She chose a Ceramcoat color called "Stonewedge Green". It looks suspiciously like their old "Wedgwood Green". I don't know why they changed the name, but now the "Wedgwood Green is much brighter and totally different than it used to be. Strange.
After I finished painting, Tessie wandered in. She then Zapped the black and white brass bed into place....It was there for a few minutes and then in a flash, it turned into one of my hand carved walnut beds, dressed in white silk.
Her answer? "Decisions. Decisions! Decisions? I can't decide which one I want." Did I offer her the carved walnut one? No. Did she ask if she could have it? No....
Personally, I can understand her vexation. I can't decide which one I like better against the green walls either.
If she decides on the white one, I guess I will let her have it. It has been sitting here and there without a real home for a long time now...For that matter, so has the brass one.
Please don't tell her. She will immediately start on the "I need a bigger house!" routine.
I also started drawing up plans for the kitchen cupboards. I kept having feelings of deja vu. Then I realized why.
This is almost the same dimension and layout as the kitchen in the townhouse. I guess that I could just use these patterns again, if I had kept them. I drew them up. Built the kitchen and then tossed them.
As I said...."Back to the future." Here I go again...
It's the old addage, "Everything old is new again..."
See you tomorrow.
I vote for the white bed with the green wall. : )
White bed and the kitchen!!!!! wow, I LOVE it!!!
I also vote for the white bed. It looks so striking against that green wall!
White bed.
I vote for the black and white bed for Tessie which you make for her with white wall.
But I also like the white bed.
Definitely the white silk. For some reason, the black and white bed looks rather bluish.
Heck, I want that white bed for myself, if I could shrink my big ol body down!
I agree, the white bed looks beautiful in this room. Love your kitchen!
I like white bed; and the kitchen is fantastic.
Bye Faby
The white bed. I love this kitchen, I want one like it.
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