I was starting on the third side when I took the photo of the pallet(aka paper plate). As you can see, I am not at all neat about it. I start out with the original charcoal gray, trail tan, and antique white, red iron oxide and sage green....Rocks are NOT all the same color of gray. Go look at a rock wall if you don't believe me.
Every rock starts out with a base color and then lighter and darker tones are added to each rock. Probably about half have every color in them. I can't explain exactly how I do it. Each time it is different. If you are just starting out, probably your best bet is to start with the darker shades and dry brush lighter shade over the egg carton rocks. I suggest that your lightest color be put on with a very light touch and all of the strokes running in the same direction. This gives the illusion of sunlight.
The dogs seem to like it. Maybe there won't be any room for strange creatures under there....I wouldn't bet on it though.
I am going to have to work on getting some better photos of the rocks. they look all the same shade of gray in this photo....They're not!
Zar and I are both pretty pleased with them so far.
Tessie took one look and of course wants a house with half timbers now....So soon she forgets. Her cottage, that she turned into a millinery shop, is half timbered....The Witch's Warehouse is half timbered...She's part owner of that one. She is not without half timber.
I ran 1/24 scale chair molding around the opening. I have to figure out what I am going to do on the curves....Another thing to add to my list of problems.
I will think about it much later today. April is taking Walter and I to see "Super 8" this morning and then lunch this afternoon. I am out of here for now.
See you tomorrow.
OK. I need a "back story" on why Zar has a trailer on a foundation. Or did I miss something in an earlier posting?
Minka, I did mention it earlier, but just in passing. He has no plans for travel, so the rocks. He says this is just temporary, until I finish the Clockwork Cottage. So far, so good.
ciao sono Erika e ti scrivo dall'Italia da Firenze ti voglio fare i miei complimenti sei molto brava e anche i tutorial...siamo lontane ma vicine nella grande passione per le miniature.ciao un "mini abbraccio" da Erika
You did a great job on the rocks...I'm looking forward to seeing the trailer finished.
Your work is progressing fast! It looks great with the rocks :0
have fun at the Super 8!!
Hugs Jollie
At first I thought that plate held some gourmet delight......just couldn't figure out what it was....Gayle
So when the Clockwork Cottage is finished, will this become his studio? I know, if I ask too many questions...I might get myself in trouble! LOL
He told me that it might do as a time machine....
Casey - what did you make your rocks from? Is that clay with added lines, then the paint job?
Love the hole in the foundation. Might have to borrow that idea from you!
Audra, go back a few days and you will get an idea of how I did the rocks. They are egg cartons too. I am also doing the floor of the roof garden from them....I save every egg carton(tops only) that I can get and use the inside bumpy flat part of the tops.
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