After that I was fed up with mini minis for the day.
I went and retrieved my new knook...No. Not an electronic reader. It is a way to knit with a crochet hook. I found out about it on the net and tried, at one point, to do it with an old wooden crochet hook. I had to drill a hole in the handle end and it didn't work too well, but it did suffice to teach myself how to use it.
This morning I found that Leisure Arts has put out a set of three of the needles and a beginner's kit. Walmart is carrying them. I couldn't resist.
I dug up some cotton, worsted weight yarn and went to work. This hook definitely works better than the one that I made myself.
I won't go through the steps, but basically, you make a chain of crochet as long as you want the piece to be and then pick up a loop from each stitch. You pull the stitches through with the hook and keep them all on until you finish the row. Then you pull the stitches off of the needle on to the cord. That acts as the second needle to hold the stitches. Then you turn it around and go back across with the needle again....etc,etc,etc.
I can see where it might be an advantage if you wanted to knit something big on an airplane or some such. I am going to stick with it for a bit and see if it gets any better...There is no way that I can see, that you could make socks....So it won't be my weapon of choice. Maybe a few scarves.
You are probably asking yourself where Tessie was while I was messing around with stuff that wasn't hers....
This is where. She and Zar have been preoccupied with my new book. I got it from Amazon yesterday. I might get to look at it after a few days. They are pouring over it with a fine toothed comb. Zar, for the machines and inventions. Tessie is more interested in the clothes, jewelry and accessories.
I do believe that there is a spark in Zar's eye that I haven't seen since his Clockwork Cottage was relegated to the top of the bookshelf. Tessie is even pointing out things that would look good in his place....Maybe there is still hope for him to have his home.....
Meanwhile, I am going back to knooking whilst they are both infatuated with the book. Maybe I will take a break and look at the other book that I ordered. Beadwork....Tempting....
See you tomorrow.
That's funny..I'm waiting for that book too...hope it will arrive today, I'm so curious!!
It's hard to believe there are 1400 shingles on that little house, but it looks wonderful!!
Que trabalho árduo a colocação do telhado em sua casinha... mas valeu a pena, ficou ótimo! Desejo boa sorte com seu cachecol.
Espero que Zar e Tessie continuem sua diversão com a leitura de SteamPunk Creations! Acho que estão tendo uma ótima fonte de inspiração.
I would love to know what you think of the book, is it any good for mini inspiration?
I have quite a few steampunk books saved to my Amazon list, including this one, I can't afford them all.
Sounds like Tessie and Zar approve.
Angela :o)
The book is great for photo inspiration. It is like all of the other 1000 things books. I do wish that they would put more information in them about how things are made. There are only a couple of sentences on each item and they are in a seperate section at the back of the book. It is a pain to have go search each one out to read.
Beadwork. That does sound interesting. :D
Have fun with your knooking!
The roof looks GREAT!
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