Then I decided that they were an excellent place for an attic, as long as whatever was stored up there was interesting and didn't have to be dusted every day, atop a stepladder.
I am basically blowing off minis today. Don't tell Tessie I am doing laundry and cleaning. I thought that you would like a peek at what is up there....Some of it.
I decided to combine pulling down some of the larger clumps of dust and taking photos of what was up there. There is a method to my madness. I will be able to remind myself what is up there without climbing a ladder. Ha!
This is the shelf in my workroom. It is two layers deep, front to back, with all kinds of mini related items. I can see, in this first photo a couple of things that need to be pulled down and used or else given to another mini friend to use. The Wednesday Witches love it when I get into this kind of mood. That white terrarium has been around from before we moved to this house. The blue thing behind it is one of those sets of drawers that men keep nails and screws stored in. I wondered where that antique egg basket had gone....
In the middle of the shelf is April's Sundance Saloon. Some of these days she is going to have to find a place for it. The poor thing is dieing up there.
The lamp in front needs refurbishing. The walnut box beside that is empty.....I think. There is still another one hiding behind it.
On the right side is one of my favorites. Actually it's two of my favorites. the biscuit box is an antique one that will, one of these days become a general store. Inside of that, there is a cranberry box, also antique, that will be a kitchen.
I think that I have shown you the "attic in our bedroom before, so I won't go into a lot of detail about that one.
I will show you a little better view of the left side(poke the photos) The hat box in the center was rigged as a millinery shop at one time. Now it is also sitting in line for refurbishing...There are several other boxes up there that need to become rooms also.
What with all of those and the houses that are hiding under the beds, I don't think that I am going to run out of projects for a while....
The shelf in the computer room just has books and other larger items. I did want to show you this small Mexican bench. This is what I do when someone gives me an X shaped stool that is made of plain two by fours....When I got it, it was just flat on the sides and almost raw wood colored. I whipped out my quad rule pad and did a design to carve on the sides. Then I took some wood carving tools that my dad gave me for Christmas one year....They were way too big to do minis, but just right for this. After I finished carving, I also designed a piece of needlepoint for the cushion. It was well loved for a while, but now after cats, I need to re do the cushion cover. That's why it is up high.
I had all but forgotten that the little bench was up there. Hmmmmm....Another project to start....
"No Tessie!!! Please don't throw that hammer at me! I'll give you five cookies to eat whilst I am cleaning...."
See you tomorrow, if Tessie doesn't get me first!
Hi Casey. I like high shelves. They are useful for items not needed often. I had them installed in my former house over the doors and windows in several rooms. They were great places for me to store decorative cans of sewing supplies in the sewing room, filled hat boxes in the bedroom, and extra towels in the bathrooms.I have been in this house 8 years and because I miss those high shelves, I am preparing to install them here, although there is no room for any over the windows.
Beautiful work you did on that table, Casey!
Love the bench. I wonder if Tessie is going to ask you for one.
Wish I had room for more shelves! But our ceilings are only 8ft high and there's not much room for anything in my workroom - I've filled the shelves right up to the top! what I really need is to find an 'expansion elixer' so I can fit everything into my workroom that I need to vbg.
Sandie (Snippets from my Studio)
Taking photos of what's up there is a brilliant idea. This is an idea I'll copy to save me climbing up the ladder to our hidden "attic". Thanks.
mmmm I dont feel so badly now I thought I had heaps of miniatures but nowhere near what you have there Casey!!
Shhhhh but I do have a lot of quilting fabric and also quite a few Lemax and Dept 56 villages mmmmmm maybe.. Im not as good as I thought lol
Love the carving you did on the Mexican bench.
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