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Saturday, April 2, 2011

And So To Bed.....

The Bed is finished!!!!! At last!!!

This morning I had to hunt for the black fabric. I put it away in a very safe place....I finally found it in the closet with my clothes??

I got to work and starting with the bedspread, I glued everything together.

First the spread. I glued the edges lightly to the side skirts. Then I trimmed and put on the long curtains. The tops got trimmed down to about 1/2" and were bent, glued to the top and pinned in place until they dried.

Then the top valence was added in the same manner. The top was covered with a piece of poster board, cut to fit and covered with the darker fabric. That was pinned in place and left to dry.

I did the pillows the same way that I do for all of the beds. It is covered in an earlier bed tutorial, so I won't repeat that part here.

I did one long Tampex tube bolster pillow to prop up the back of the pillows. Four rectangular pillows to sit in front of that and then a smaller bolster pillow. That one, Tessie grabbed and wouldn't give up for anything.

She has been zapping the bed all over the house. It is getting rather irritating to other homeowners.

She keeps popping in and trying it out in various rooms.

The last thing I did was chase her down and put ribbon tie backs on the curtains.

No. Wait.... That wasn't the last thing. The last thing I did was lock her out of the computer room so that I could take a photo of the bed without her messing it up.

You should have heard the hysterical shouting and banging on the door!

No....On second thought, it was not at all pleasant.

I did get the photo that I wanted. Here is the finished bed. The lighter fabric still looks somewhat bluish, but it isn't. Honest.

Everything is peaceful now. I am not sure where the bed is at the present time. It disappeared as soon as I let her back into the computer room.

I am going to assume that sooner or later she will run out of zap and put the bed in the townhouse, where it belongs, and take a long nap.

I am off to open the box I just received from Greenleaf. The contest kits are here. As usual, I probably won't enter. I just liked the kit. Sooner or later it will turn into something. Probably for Tessie, if she has anything to say about it. Maybe I should just go hide it under the bed for now.....

See you tomorrow.


Case di Bambola said...

Thankfully you've found the fabric in your closet :) The bed looks beautiful!

Phyllisa said...

Hi Casey. The bed is beautiful! Well
worth the time and effort. I feel
motivated to get back to working on
a few unfinished ones I have and
making a few more at some point. If
only "real life" didn't get in the
Tessie should be very nice to you
for some time in appreciation.

Amie said...

Not suprised Tessie is so pleased with it it's stunning you did a really great job. Thank you for explaining the process too it's very helpful to us newbies.

Merri said...


Hehehe...there, now you'll have to enter..Tessie's gonna want that house asap, Mwhahahaha!

Oh come on, Casey..give it a shot. I'd love to see what you come up with! I'm fighting the urge to buy the basic kit myself. It would make a great Tea shop for Pella and Tabi, even though I'm not likely to enter the contest myself.

Merri said...

Oops, addendum-te-tum...the bed's AWESOME!

Kathi said...

Your bed is so pretty! You did an amazing job with it. You should enter IT in a contest!
I hope you do enter the Greenleaf Spring Fling. Looking forward to what you do with your kits. :D
My entire project fell apart. Don't do what I DO or what I say!

iseecerulean said...

Fantastic! I love it.

Deb Kelly said...

Lovely job, Casey! It's a beautiful bed!

Lucille said...

The bed is stunning, Casey! The more I look at it, the more I want to look at it. Wishing I could see it in real life.

Margriet said...

Love the bed, it is really beautiful!!! Love the combination of the fabrics!

Elga said...

The bed looks fantastic, Tessie must be very pleased now. Oh, I hate it when I put something away so good that I can't find it, so you have my sympathy and it wastes so much mini time hunting for stuff!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

The bed is beautiful. Great work. Thank`s for sharing.

FabShabbyRoses said...

Absolutely gorgous Casey, and Tessie! Loved following along as you worked thru this project! What type of glue did you use for this? I couldn't find where you had said. Do you have a favorite glue to use with fabric? Thank you! carolyn

Caseymini said...

Carolyn, I used Aleene's Fast Grab. It's a heavy bodied white glue and does just what it says. Everything stays right where you put it.

Merri! Stop that! Tessie doesn't need any help. She already found the box.LOL

snowberry said...

I love the blending of different fabrics great bed, lucky Tessie

Maria Ireland said...

love the bed :) i look at your blog nearly everyday it always makes me smile :)

Kim said...

The bed is beautiful! I kind of want to shrink to Tessie size and try it out!