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Friday, March 25, 2011

Minis, Kits and an Instrument of Torture.....

I took your advice and went out to play for a while this morning. As I had to wait for the antique mall to open, I did some mini-ing to fill the time.

I painted the doors on the 1/144 house green and glued the two layers together. I painted the inside walls white. I have no idea how I am going to decorate the inside. I may just leave that part to Tessie, since it is her house now.

While waiting for paint to dry, I decided to experiment a bit. I have a big Clairebell Brass four poster bed. It has gone through several incarnations. The last one was a bed for Harry Potter after reading the first book....Way before the movies. I dropped the idea when the movies came out and you couldn't shake a stick without beating Harry Potter to within an inch of his life. I took all of the bedding off and it has just been setting on a shelf since. Once in a while, I would take it out and try it for size in a house or room box.

I have never really liked the brass finish on it. Too shiny. Tessie spotted it and declared, "I would like it better if it was mostly wrought iron, with just a little of the brass showing. It will serve in my bedroom at the townhouse if we can paint it." I do believe that was the "royal we". She has no intention of crawling under the bed to paint or even getting her hands dirty.

She is not very good at painting. She helped with the mannequin and I was pulling gesso off of her hands and out of her hair for two days after. She even ended up with gesso on the bottom of her left foot!

I am not sure why, but this bed has always had a problem with turning green and crusty at some of the joints. You can see it on the ends of a couple of the spindles. Very weird. I am going to have to see if I can get that off.

Anyway, I got the head of the bed painted before I left. It will need a second coat and maybe a mat spray sealer.

Tessie is now talking black and white in the bedroom to kind of go with the bathroom upstairs and the kitchen table and chairs. I just hope that she doesn't get it into her head to have the whole house in black and white. I am NOT going to redo her workroom. It is staying midnight blue with bubbles around the upper edge...Period!

I strolled around the antique mall for about an hour. I did find two House of Miniatures kits. One is for a lowboy and the other one is for two chairs. I will now have a set of four when I finish.

Maybe I can leave the arms off of two or them and make them into a dining set.

Last, but not least, I found a Birthday present for April. April, if you are reading this, stop now!!!

No April, my daughter, beyond this point!!!!

This is something that I don't remember seeing before. April kind of collects old 60s and 70s kitchen items now and then.

Here it is.....Mint in the box....I have a theory that the former owner was a bit afraid of it. It looks like a lethal weapon of sorts.

The surprising thing is, the name on the box. It is called a "Food Glamorizer".......???? What is that, you ask?

It seems to be a combination potato peeler, zig zag blade for running along cucumbers to make the sides fancy, on one end. You slip(tug, pull and struggle with) the handle off and under that, is a tool for making fancy, pointy edges on melons. I wish I had the original directions. I am sure that there were a million or so uses for this little gadget. It was put out by Kitchen Magician.....Aren't they the ones that used to have all of those weird infomercials with strange gadgets?

April had better appreciate this. I practically had to fight two of the shop people for it. Everybody within hearing distance was laughing. "Food glamorizer"???? I think that they were just jealous that I found it first....Maybe....(I just looked this up on the net. I found out that it was from 1963 and is now being sold for 7.99. Boy did I get a deal! I paid 2.oo for this one.)

April may have to fight Tessie for it. She sees it as the start of a really great torture chamber in the basement of her next house....Just for show. She would never use instruments of torture. She has too much fun just doing the torturing without the benefit of instruments of any kind.

Now I am going to go do something constructive. I will not play with the food glamorizer....I will not play with the food glamorizer....I will

See you tomorrow.


iseecerulean said...

But how will you know it glamorizes if you don't test it first? You don't want to give April something that's broken, do you? ;)

Amie said...

The green door looks great and I really like the bed :)

Lucille said...

Casey, that's an unusual gift you found for April! I'm sure she'll love it. That bed is gorgeous. I'm wondering what sort of paint you used on it. The little house if looking good!

Merri said...

LOL, you KNOW you're going to try out that 'food glamorizer', don't you? Yikes, it does look like a torture device!

Sounds like the green crusty stuff is because there's not adequate sealer to prevent the brass from oxidizing. By painting it and putting on a good sealer, perhaps you can stop that for good. Beautiful, beautiful bed, btw...and HEY, I like Harry Potter's Wizarding world..

Casey, you must be Irish, I NEVER find House of Miniature kits when I look into antique shops!

Glad you took a break this needed and deserved it!