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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yardwork Can Be Fun.....

I lied. It's not that fun, but it has to be done. It was such a nice day that I just wanted to be outside for a while. I still have a lot of cutting and raking to do, but it will have to wait for another day. I spent a couple of hours out there....That was more than enough.

When I got back inside, I found that Tessie had taken paintbrush in hand and finished another section of the siding on the back of the cottage. She did a pretty good job, considering that she used a #00 brush.....It took her a while.

I went and found some egg cartons and did some more brick for the foundation. That's another one of those things that just has to be done.....Boring.... Two sides down and two to go.

We are making progress on the rug. We have been arguing over the size. I finally convinced Tessie that a square rug would be enough. If I did the oblong one, it would cover most of the main floor of the cottage. I doubt that most people living in a small country cottage would have a large area rug.
For once, she gave in and let me have my way. A square it will be. I have the center laid out and will finish the dark green borders next. After that it will be the proverbial piece of cake. not so much counting. It will be more like paint by number. Fill in the spaces. I am still not looking forward to the outer blue and beige border, but it also has to be done....There is a lot of that kind of thing going around today.

I wonder if I could pay Tessie to do that part? Probably not.... Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


Kathi said...

Your rug is going to be so beautiful! I'm working on one too, only much smaller. Less stitches. :D
What size fabric are you using and how many threads? I've never done anything this small and I'm one eye blind already!

Lucille said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! It already looks very promising.

Caseymini said...

Kathi, this is on #26 canvas. I am using two threads of floss and doing needlepoint instead of cross stitch. Half as many times through the canvas....

AuntLou said...

I am enjoying your blog, very much!

Jean Tuthill said...

Oh, so far the rug is beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished!

Kathi said...

Thanks Casey. I'm using 22 count and two threads in cross stitches. I've already made a mistake or two. I see my crosses aren't all going the same way and now I'm off one stitch in my pattern. I'm thinking needlepoint would be better? Maybe I'll start over. :{
You make this look easy, but it's NOT!

Caseymini said...

Kathi, I have been doing needlepoint, cross stitch and other needlework for over 30 years.LOL

One of my former lives was as a needlework instructor and a painter of canvases for other people for a couple of shops here in town.

BTW, I usually use only one thread on #22 unless I want a really thick rug.

I do use a lighted magnifier to work. It helps a lot. It's easier on the eyes.

Lainie said...

Where in Wal Mart do you find the fans. I've looked at every section I can think of and haven't found them yet. We have the "new" Wal Mart so maybe they don't have them anymore. Thanks. Love the rug and the house is looking great!

Caseymini said...

Lainie, the fans are probably where you would least expect them. They are in with the potpourri section. They are near the candles and that sort of thing at our store. I hope that you can find them.

Lainie said...

Thanks, Casey! I never would've thought to look there!