When I was a kid I tended to leave a little work for later....My dad used to ask, "Are you leaving that for seed so that the pile will grow again?"
In that respect, I am still a kid. I get down to the last of the cleaning and loose interest. I still have this little pile to finish. I have no more enthusiasm for cleaning.
This is the seed pile. I will get to it later.....
I would rather do something else for now.
I found a CD storage unit at a garage sale a couple of weeks before Christmas.
Today I started thinking that it would work better for storage than for 1/2" scale, of which I am not particularly fond. I need storage. I don't need another project right now.
I threw a couple of things in the top drawer that were going to be used in Tessie's Teas. Hmmmmm......Label it. Make it official and use it for that purpose. Whilst I had the label maker in hand, I made one that also said Spiderwort Manor and put it on the second drawer. That made the drawers look legitimate. Clockwork Cottage went on the third one.
Did I mention that I love my Nymo Label Maker? I do. It is fun to use and makes things easier to find. I think that it really makes me tend to put things back where they belong when they have a proper home.
Anyway, While I was labeling the fourth drawer, Tessie and Zar arrived. Tessie discovered the first drawer. She popped into it and said, "Oh! I have my very own drawers."
I was hoping that she wouldn't look down and see the label on the second drawer. About then Zar found the Clockwork Cottage drawer.
Then she spotted the sign on the second one.....It was all over but the shouting, as they say.
She is now sure that she is getting Spiderwort Manor....Soon.
She magnanimously told Zar that he could have the measly little drawer. She wouldn't be needing it when I finished her mansion.
She has been making lists and jotting down ideas for what is going in Spiderwort for a couple of hours now. I didn't have the heart to tell her that the order on my list is still Clockwork Cottage first, Tessie's Teas second and Spiderwort Manor is waaaaay down the road.
The only way I could prevent further arguments about whom gets what built
first, was to go away and start making cupcakes.
That did it. Tessie wants them for the tea shop and Zar just wants them.
That did it. Tessie wants them for the tea shop and Zar just wants them.
It's just a good thing that they are both easily distracted.
They have all but forgotten the drawers.
Vanilla, lemon, chocolate, strawberry and pistachio cupcakes are in the works and all is right with the world.
A good cupcake will solve almost any problem.
See you tomorrow.
I really like what your father said about the seed :-) It's so true, but I have never found the right words for it in Swedish.
What an entertaining blog! That storage tower was a real bargain and ideal for the job. You must have subconsciously known that there was a tidy up in the offing when you bought it!
Mmmm... pistachio cupcakes. :-)
Maybe you should rearrange the drawers to match the order on you list? Or maybe that would result in Zar being "critter-fied" for a while... so maybe not.
I like those drawers I have seen them at IKEA but not at that price!
What a find!!
I really like what your Dad said He was right!!!! I have mnmountains of things piled up to do getting bigger by the minute!
Oh that Tessie as soon as I read up to labelling the drawers....I took a breathe in cause I knew that Tessie would be making a fuss! lol
What a bargain! If I have thrift shops like yours I will hang out there everyday. I agree that storage comes 1st. Recently, I have developed a strange addiction to cupcakes. These will distract me as well.
Ha-ha, I love your seed pile. I will have to borrow your Father's quote :)
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