Debby of Petit has a wonderful one with a blue quilt made of men's shirts.
Mercedes of Liberty Biberty did a scrappy block quilt of many colors.
They are both beautifully done. Go to both sites and check them out. Worth the trip. Both tutorials are great.
Theirs are both machine made. I am way too lazy to dig my machine out of the cupboard and put it back after I'm half way done. Then dig it out again to do more.....So I decided to throw in my two cents, for what it's worth.
I learned to do English paper piecing years ago for real quilts. I have don a couple of mini quilts that way. Unfortunately both are gone to other homes and it was before I learned to take photos of everything.
Everything that I need fits in a small box. It is very light and doesn't have to be plugged in to work.
I use the hexagon on a protractor as a pattern.
Next I use a glue stick to stick the paper pieces to the backside of light weight cotton fabric, being sure that one of the straight edges of the pattern is running with the grain.
Cut them out with about 1/8" all around.
Now you pick out a couple of hexes and, holding them right sides facing, whip stitch them together, trying not to catch the paper. Select another one and whip stitch two sides of that one onto the two that you have done. Keep doing that until you have six hexes around the center one if you want to make a Granny's Flower Garden type of quilt. Each seven hexes will make a flower. If you want a traditional looking quilt you will add a strip of green hexes between all of the flowers. If not, you can do any pattern that suits your fancy.
I have a large quilt started that has black as the center and scraps all around each one. That makes a pretty pattern.
After you finish piecing the hexes press the quilt. Then you can take a pin and pull out the papers. from the back. To finish, I usually simply sew the hexes with their uneven edges to a base fabric and turn it under and hem. If you get bored or frustrated after one flower, you can always applique it to a pillow.
Any more I can't seem to finish anything with out Tessie butting in. I guess she got bored with trying to get into the secret room.
Now she has her favorite piece of puce material and thread to match. She is threatening another do it yourself project if I don't make her a purple quilt. Have I mentioned that I hate puce with a purple passion?
Back to the RED and WHITE quilt.
See you tomorrow.
Casey that thread that Tessie is holding matches my Ben's Hair..LOL
I was told of paper quilting but could not understand how it worked. Thank you Casey!
Здорово! Все гениальное- просто!
MM I made 1 quilt that way took me ages
I like your colour ways
Look at Tessie thinking about nabbing your cotton!
I am glad you put up this tutorial as I can't use the sewing machine.Thank you.
Now that's a lot of hard labour, doing them all by hand. and the pieces are all só tiny! It looks a million dollars already
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