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Monday, July 6, 2009

Making Up For Yesterday....

I am early today. I had to do just a bit on the cottage. Monday is a day for reality, but while I am doing 43 loads of laundry and mopping floors, I will take a break now and then.

For my first break, I decided that the dining room was way too dark. It needed a larger window.

Boy! Were Zar and Tessie surprised when the saw blade came through the wall at them! They have taken to having sneaky meetings in the dining room when I am not around. I am not sure what it's about, but I think that I am going to have to start accidentally overhearing there conversations.

They very kindly said "yes" when I asked them to pose in the cut out window for scale. Tessie's reaction was "Ohhhh! I like it! Now I will be able to step over the sill to get in." Zar's was quite the opposite. He said "Hmmmm.....I wonder how long it will take me to put wrought iron bars on the outside?"

If you step back, you will see that it definitely is a better proportion than the tiny off center window that they had in the dining room on the original kit.....Oops! I forgot. That was supposed to be the kitchen. Oh well. It was still too tiny and off center. I like lots of natural light.

The window is still a little off center, but I like it better than before.

I forgot to tell you yesterday that I sent for two books on real furniture from Amazon. They were sent out immediately, so I should get them soon. Why am I mentioning this? Because they are both books on building Medieval Furniture and that's what I want in the dining room.

They are both by Daniel Diehl and have lots of plans for different pieces. I am anxious to get started. I really like the dark chest on the first book. I think that something like that would go well in the dining room or even in the bedroom.

These books left Phoenix yesterday afternoon at 4:00PM. It is about 125 miles from our house to there. Amazon estimated that it would take until Wednesday for them to get here. I didn't know that they still delivered by Pony Express....Come on Amazon! I need the books now!!!

Back to the real world.

See you tomorrow.


Heather Cutting-Rayl said...

Hi! Please let me know what you think about these two books! I have been debating about buying them for weeks!! I love the furniture in the "preview" pages! Thanks!

Jo Raines said...

I have Making Upholstered Furniture in 1/12th Scale by Janet Storey and am eager to try my hand at making some. I'll look forward to seeing how you make these pieces in 1/12th scale! What an undertaking. But, I'm sure Tessie will be very helpful along the way.
