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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Call That A Headboard???

I am continuing to work on Zar's bed this morning. Tessie is helping? I have to admit that she was right about adding some color. She found what she calls "the perfect fabric" for the bed skirt.

I think that the fabric design is supposed to be either plates or buttons, but somehow I think that it works for what I have in mind. Remember the cogs and wheels?

After it is box pleated, I think that the look of plates will be broken up enough to make it look different. The background goes well with the linen. And on top of those reasons, Tessie approves. It can't be all bad.

I will probably take that to the Wednesday Witches mini meeting this afternoon to get it pleated. I have a new idea about how to do box pleats for it. If it works, I will show you tomorrow.

Anyway, Tessie disappeared into the woodwork for a while......I got started on designing the headboard. Katie will recognize some of the larger parts that I am going to use. She sent them to me in her goodies bag about a month ago. They are large cog wheels that I think she said she got in a Happy Meal or some such. I first thought of a table top, but last night I started playing with the idea of a Steampunk headboard.

I started with the wrong side of the cog wheels. I messed around with using gold, silver and copper Krylon leafing pens on them. Don't worry. That's only the first step. Before it gets done, I plan to make it look a lot more industrial.....Remember me, the one that wants to make the remote prettier because it looks too industrial? Irony raises it's ugly head. I really do like some industrial and especially anything rusty. Maybe it's just the modern electronic stuff I don't care for.

After I played with cogs, wires and various other pieces for a while, Tessie came back to have a look......."What is that?" I told her it was the start of Zar's headboard. "You call that a headboard? Where are all of the padded parts and the lace and the ribbons and roses and stuff?"

I tried to tell her it was a man's headboard and it didn't need roses. "That's just ridiculous! Headboards are supposed to be padded and have lace and ribbons and roses and stuff..." There is no reasoning with her when she gets in the "My way or the highway." mode. I simply told her that it was a long way from finished and to save her criticism until the end and then she could throw it at me all at once.

Her eyes narrowed to minute slits and she hissed "Mark my words! I will be watching you...." Somehow this is no different from any other day. Then as she stomped away, I heard "When she gets to MY headboard it WILL have padding and braid and lace and ruffles and ribbons and lots of silk roses!!! Oh and it will be PUCE!" Yup. Same as yesterday and the day before that.

See you tomorrow!


Tina said...

Casey, Love the Bedskirt fabric choice and the headboard...WOW.. I don't dare show my He will be going all steampunk on me for sure.. I haven't even told him there is a steampunk theme Our secret.. He does hear all about Tessie and Zar though..
Can't wait for the finished bed photo..

rosanna said...

I love the fabric and the idea of a steampunk bedhead. I'll wait for it.

Kim said...

The bed skirt fabric is perfect- it does remind me of the cogs. Thank goodness Tessie is not making Zar's headboard- Puce lace does not sound manly at all. I can't wait to see the finished bed- it is looking great!

Deb said...

Can't wait to see the finished head board, what a cute idea! I love the fabric too.

Katie said...

What a fantastic idea! Zar's going to have the coolest headboard around! And that fabric is perfect! Can't wait to see how you finish this! :)

Puce Lace, Bah hahahaha....poor Zar! I'm sure Tessie would have everything in puce if she could decorate!!

Tabitha Corsica said...

Hey Tessie! What kind of a color is puce, anyway, huh?? lol...what a little minx she is.

Great fabric and great steampunk idea..


MiniKat said...

Zar should be counting his lucky stars that Tessie isn't "helping" very much with his boudoir. ;-)

Love that fabric for him.

Caseymini said...

Tabitha, I explained a while back that puce is the French word for flea. As a color, it is a brownish purple. Supposedly it is the color of the fleas. Personally, it wouldn't be my pick for a bed. I think that it would make me itch a lot! LOL

Unknown said...

Wow,I love the choice for the headboard,I think it is a very clever idea! The bedskirt fabric is just the right one!!!

Can't wait to see it finished?

Janne said...

I love the fabric,can`t wait to see the finished bed board!

Debbie said...

Love the fabric Casey. The Headboard is going to be brilliant, looking forward to seeing it finished.. x