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Monday, April 20, 2009


No way. No how am I starting another dollhouse! I was working on a Chrysnbon pot belly stove for the workroom of the Clockwork Cottage this morning. When I looked up at the directions it was because there was the rustling of paper, not because I needed them. This is another of the kits that I have put together several times before.

What I saw was Tessie with her dragon friend. She witched his log into the workroom so that she could watch what I was doing. Her first question of the day was"Why aren't you building MY Magnolia? By the way, I don't like the name at all." I basically told her and the dragon that she rode in on, to buzz off. That didn't work.

Next question....."Is the stove for me? I do get cold, you know.?" I explained that it was for the workroom in the cottage. "Hmmmmm.....But it could be for me..." No Tessie. Not everything will fit in your cottage. That was the wrong answer. A long tirade followed. "I NEED A LARGER HOUSE! My cottage is tooooo smalllllll!" It went on and on. It was all either shouted, or whined.
I pretty much ignored her and kept building. I finished in about a half an hour and of course, she had to try it out. Sometimes she reminds me of "Goldilocks". The chair was too hard. The stove too warm and the little stool hurt her feet. I kept ignoring her.

Balthazar stopped in to try it out. He declared all of it just right.

While he was sitting in the chair, Tessie fussed around and then all of a sudden she glanced above her head. She looked at Zar and got a wicked grin on her face. She said, and I quote"A manly man like yourself wouldn't want this silly,sparkly chandelier in your house, would you?". Zar looked up and told her "No way!" He is so gullible. Manly man? Two words was all it took.

Two minutes later, without asking me, she had the chandelier down. And I heard her say as they faded from sight......."No new house? MY CHANDELIER!!!!". I can't win!

See you tomorrow!


Debbie said...

Told you Tessie would win out with the Chandelier. LOL.. I just love that little Witch..

MiniKat said...


Glad I wasn't sipping a beverage when I read this!

Good luck getting the chandelier back. ;-)

Katie said...

Don't you mean Goldilocks?? LOL....had to think about that for a minute, haha...

....Miss Tessie sure is good at getting what she wants, What's her secret??? Love the picture of her flying away on the dragon with the chandelier!! Too funny!!

Caseymini said...

Thanks Katie, I fixed it. LOL

Deb said...


Mary said...

Tessie, what works once on gullible men always works twice, just say "Certainly a manly man such as yourself won't need such a trifle as a cute little stove?"

marlies said...

Like the picture off Tessie, there was a time she lived in a box?
She know things to get? Hope you are get your lamp back!
* marlies

Roberta said...

Miss Tessie is wanderful and I like her story so much...she is very funny!!