This morning I decided that, instead of patching, she should have a new hand altogether. I rummaged around and found the Super Sculpey, some toothpicks and other tools and got to work.

I was on a roll, so I went ahead and finished the second try at Steampunk Man. No Katie, he doesn't have a name yet. I have started a list of unusual names. No decisions so far. Most of the Steampunk people have weird pseudonyms. He will too.
This is what I have so far. The first photo is Steampunk Man going into the oven with the spare hand for Tessie.
He is going to be about six inches tall and younger than the other one that turned to basket making.
After I got him out of the oven I stood him in the secret room to see how he looked size wise. He looks much better than the other one did. He looks like he will be capable of doing all kinds of scientific experiments.....OK.....So he doesn't have a body or a face or clothes yet. Have faith. He will be done in a day or two. Want to know how I know?

Tessie caught him in the secret room. She even brought him flowers with her new hand to show it off......Mind you, he is not aware of his surroundings or even alive yet. That didn't matter to Tessie. I am not going to show you the rest of him. Right now he is just skin and bones, literally.
She is soooo fickle! Forget about the basket maker that lives next door. She likes the start of the new Steampunk Man and can't wait for me to finish him. Did you ever see a five inch tall, redheaded witch drool? It's not pretty. I had to walk away and do something else. I couldn't watch her cooing at him.
Change of subject. I got the kit from Greenleaf for the Spring Fling yesterday. It went together in about a half hour. That's including the extra hole that I cut in the side and a couple of other additions. I am not going to show you any more until I decide if I am going to enter the contest. I have good intentions. I do every year. Sometimes, like now, I get as far as ordering the kit. Other times, I don't even bother, because they are just not of interest.

I like the unusual shape of this one. I think that it has possibilities. Now all I have to do is get Tessie off of my back so that I can work on it.
I have to go now. She is nagging me to work on "her man"......I am inclined to think that there is trouble ahead.
See you tomorrow.
Oh Dear the poor bloke isn't finished yet and Tessie is in Love all over again. Can't you make her a wizard that she can shack up with Casey! LOL.. Any signs of Spike?
He looks like one of those DC comics or Marvel superheroes at this point!
I suppose Tessie feels alone. Debbie's hint on a wizard sounds good. I'm curious about the new Steam manbut I know you'll show him to us in a couple of days.
LOL.....Go Tessie!!! Who wouldn't want a more exicting, younger man?? LOL, that's my kind of girl! But without the drool, lol......
Maybe you could find a name from Waterworld or something??? Thought you already had a name picked out?? LOL....decisions, decisions!!
Love the new little house....And you should enter! Your work is amazing...You know all of us are dying to see what you come up with!
Can't wait to see him finished! Any signs of Spike?
Names...I LOVE Names...
Reginald Whirlygig
Claudius Claptrapper, Barthlamew Biggleswick, Simon Punkinsteam, Kingsley Kettleswick.
I could go on and!!
Poor Tessie's hand...I think Mr. Steampunk Man needs to create a 'special SP' hand for her...maybe one on a tight spring...that when released it shoots out to grab stuff across the room...without moving an inch...dang, I want one of those...
Katie and Jodi, his first name is definitely going to be Balthazar, Zar for short. Still trying to decide on the middle/last names.
Nice to see the beginning of Zaar.
The answer seems obvious but I'm going to ask anyway: Do you put pipecleaners and florist tape in the oven? Doesn't the heat ruin them? What temp are you using?
Minka, pipe cleaners and all go in the oven. No harm done. I do believe that is what happened to Tessie's first hairdo though. One to many times in the oven. Sooner or later you will read about her nose job. She stubbed her toe and broke it. It had to be replaced. Frizzy hair was the result.
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