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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back At It!

This morning I dragged Tessie's cottage back to the living room where it belongs. She went kicking, screaming and under vigorous protest! Unfortunately for her, I'm bigger than she is.

I needed the table to work on the door of the Clockwork cottage. I set up my magnifying lamp and got out my Exacto and rifler files and went to work. I could hear mumbling and grumbling coming from the other room. I ignored it.

I can definitely tell the difference between the work that I did on the wood carving before new glasses and after. Here's the before. I was carving way to deep on the preliminary cuts. Probably because I couldn't see how deep or sharp I was going into the wood. I am hoping that I will be able to fix this without starting over. It would be a shame to lose all of that work.

Here's another area that I did after glasses. The cuts are much more precise and I have a lot more control over what I am doing. These pieces still have a long way to go so I won't bore you with the details. It will take me at least a couple of days to get where I want to go with this.

By the way, this will be the inside of the door. I am going to do a rather plain plank door on the other side. I am too lazy to do both sides.

I found a piece of terracotta tile flooring that I did a couple of years ago that might work for the kitchen. I laid it in there this morning. It is smaller by about an inch, but I think that I can fudge a bit and do some floor based shelves or counters to cover the difference.

I am also still trying to think of a way to disguise the dumbwaiter. I would still like to have it. I just don't want it to show as a dumbwaiter in the kitchen.

I went into the bedroom to get some emery boards. As I came back I heard thump, thump, thump, mumble, mumble. I looked into the kitchen. There was Tessie. She managed to get back into the cottage and had the cappuccino machine with her.

She was stomping around the kitchen with a protest sign. I first asked her how she got in. She said that caterpillar fur, rusty nails and ant whiskers make a very powerful potion when mixed with a couple of other secret ingredients. I didn't ask what the secret ingredients were. I don't think that I want to know.....

I asked what the sign was for. She replied"It's for the unfairness of Zar getting a bigger and better house than I have!" I WANT THE MAGNOLIA! And I still think it's an ugly name! It will be called Spiderwort Manor when I move in." I had to laugh. She has a lot of nerve. She is now under the impression that I should immediately stop work on the Clockwork cottage and start the Magnolia!

I told her "Don't hold your breath, Tessie!" She instantly drew in a deep breath and held it. That lasted about thirty seconds. Then she sat down on the kitchen floor and started drinking her cappuccino. Heaven help me. I now have a hyperactive, caffeine fueled witch on my hands. Gotta go.

See you tomorrow.


MiniKat said...

It sounds like your hands are full.

Why don't you disguise the dumbwaiter as a bread oven?

Caseymini said...

Kat, that's a neat idea, but I am leaning towards something that doesn't look like it should be opened. Maybe a large spice rack or a wall chart with food info of some kind. With my luck, someone would open the oven and find the dumbwaiter....

rosanna said...

Why do you want to disguise it? has it to be a secret doorway? may be for escaping a furious witch. Let Tessie stomp her feet, she'l tire sooner or later.

Caseymini said...

Rosanna, the dumbwaiter leads to the secret workroom upstairs. It would be like putting up a sign that says "Secret room this way." G Somehow I don't think that's a good idea.

DLSarmywife said...

Ah Tessie, poor little Tessie...or at least that's the way she see's it! I like the idea of a spice rack or kitchen poster. Hmm I'll have to look at the pics of your kitchenarea to see what else you might be able to put there to hide the secret dumbwaiter.

KathieB said...

What if there was a very shallow broom closet in front of the dumb waiter? There could be a concealed door in the back wall for access. The brooms and other cleaning stuff hanging on the wall/door would just swing out when the latch is triggered. Or the whole closet might be hinged on one side to swing out, like one of those wonderful bookcases that hide secret passages.

Caseymini said...

Kathie, I am already doing the fake bookcase thing in the secret room. I think I am going to stick to something very simple in the way of hiding the dumbwaiter. I'm just lazy. G