The reason that I only have half a door built is that darned Glencroft under the bed. It keeps me awake at night. Last evening I started going through websites looking for ideas. I found some wonderful ones. It seems that there are people out there that are gung ho on turning their own computers, furniture and other possessions into Steampunk(Techno Victorian) There are people that are actually building laptops that look like something out of a Jules Verne novel. I want one!
Please go look at this one. http://datamancer.net/steampunklaptop/steampunklaptop.htm The man that did this is a true artist! And yes, it does work!
Anyway, the more that I get into it, the more I want to do this with the Glencroft. There are a couple of websites that I found that are directed at people that want to do their homes in this style. I was surprised at how much of the stuff that you see every day could be considered this genre. I am looking at things around me and seeing them in a whole new light.
If you are interested in the witchy kind of things, this style is closely related and you can get a lot of ideas from these websites. Here are the two that I liked the best. They are by pretty normal people so don't be afraid to go look. Each of them have links to other related sites. It can be addicting.... The first site is called The Steampunk Home. http://thesteampunkhome.blogspot.com/ I find this site almost normal. Lots of neat decorating ideas here and there. The other one is Dark Style. http://darkstyleblog.blogspot.com/ It's a very modern view of Victorian. In the older posts there is a huge library that I could move into and live for a while. Really neat.

I did a rough sketch of a desk with computer and lamp in the style. It will probably change a lot by the time I do the real thing.....The head in the corner is roughly what I want the guy that lives in the Glencroft to look like.
I am going to go finish Tessie's door so that I can start on something else. I promise the finished cottage will be here tomorrow!
See you then!
Love the door. My Mum used to have a Stable door as we used to call it when I was a kid. I used to love opening the top half and peering out into the garden. How lovely :-). Thank you for the link to the Steam punk lap top how fab! :-)
I love the steampunk style, and I'm delighted you're going to attack a Glencroft with it! That's my next project, and I plan to have a secret laboratory hidden behind a bookcase. I will be watching this with much interest.
Can't wait to see how your new project progresses! I just love the idea! I'm a major Jules Verne fan, but had never thought of doing anything Mini around it! Totally, my style - chandeliers in bathrooms and all!
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