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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rounding the Last Corner....

I am running out of excuses not to do the door and window. I dislike that particular job in any building. It's not that I can't do it. I just don't enjoy all of the measuring and cutting involved.

So...... Instead of doing that, I started doing the basket making supplies and tools. I wound a bunch of skeins of thread for the coiled baskets, looped some coils of reed, and cut some ribs and slats.
The ribs are in the basket in the corner, along with the axe that the basket maker used to cut them. I have the shelves on this side pretty well filled.

In the other corner I have hung the thread for the coiled baskets on the wall. For now I put in the small table that matches the planter. I need a larger table for the basket maker to work on comfortably and a chair. This one is not practical because the tools can't lay on the table where the basket maker can get at them. Some of them are on the shelf underneath.
I have the shelves above the bench filled now. I am happy with the peaked roof on this area. It means that I have somewhere to put the taller baskets in the collection.

I put the old lady picture in that area. I think that it adds something........I, however, realized that she was not a basket maker. After examining it closely, I found that she was shelling peas or beans into a basket. Disillusioned once again. I still like the painting.

The nested baskets in the front corner are some that my son-in-law brought back to me from Mexico. There are eight of them, perfectly nested. The largest one is 1 3/4" across. The smallest one is less than 1/2". They are done in a herringbone weave. I think that I am going to have to figure out how they were done. They are really outstanding. I have another one that he brought back at the same time.......Or I should say that Mookie or Widget has it. It was on the table beside these. It is now hidden somewhere. The two cats have a penchant for hiding things when I'm not looking. I just turned my back for a minute......That should keep me busy for a couple of hours. I will now be trying to figure out where they hid it.

Yes. I will do the stupid door and window. I don't want to, but there is no more excuse for stalling. Hmmmm.....A larger table and a chair.......Hmmmm.....

Thank you Tiffany for the info on how to put spaces in between the paragraphs.

See you tomorrow.


Debbie said...

It looks fantastic..

Tiffany said...

You're welcome! I'm sure it won't belong before I ask you how to do something else and I know you'll know how, whatever it is. For once I knew the answer. The basket shop looks great.

Rachel said...

Hi Casey,

You have received a blog award! Please check the detail out from my blog post:

Rachel :)

Meli Abellán said...

Casey!!! They are so lovely!!!!
My congratulations for your work and thanks for the tutorial!!!