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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Up to My Elbows....

I am back to painting on the basket shop. I put the first coat on the inside this morning. I know. You want proof. Here's the left side.
And the right side. Yes they are the same color. Honest. The right side is closer to the real thing. Now I need to do some shading and blending.
While I was at it, I noticed that the second photo had the outside wall close to the color that it truly is. So I tried another photo of the outside.
I am getting closer all the time. This one is the best yet. It still looks a little washed out.
Can you tell that I am trying to pad this entry? Don't tell anyone. I need to get back and finish what I am doing. Then I need to get going on the cooking that I have to do. I'm sorry that this is so short. Alas, real life is getting in again.
See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Its looking lovely...