For the past few days I have been trying to help another miniaturist start her own blog. I keep remembering back to when I started this one. I was petrified that I would do something wrong. That seems like a long time ago. Nostalgia.....Don't you just love it? That was February of this year!
I am afraid that I am not the best at helping, especially when I can't really see what steps she is doing. I think that she will get the hang of it just like I did. I did the same thing that she is doing. I dragged an online friend into the process. I asked Gina of MoreMinis@Blogspot for help. I was asking for help every few days for a while.
I had a blog on another server for a short time a couple of years ago. That one didn't last because uploading photos was a complicated process and it got boring quickly. Another reason for stopping that one was I started getting a lot of junk e mail wanting to enlarge parts of the anatomy that I don't even have! I finally just gave up on that one.
Blogger is a pretty easy system to use once you understand how to use it. I can't say that they are very good with the instructions for beginners though. I had to just keep plugging along with writing and deleting and adding photos and figuring out how to get rid of photos and other little quirky little things that they don't tell you about. I had NO idea what to do when I started. I just sat down one afternoon and said "Hmmmm.... How can I drive myself crazy today?". I don't know what I would have done without Gina to explain things. Thanks Gina!!! Now it's my turn. My only advice to anyone wanting to do it is "Go for it!". You can't really make a mistake. There is that nice "edit posts" page. If all else fails, you can just delete the whole thing and start over.
The only thing that still bugs me is when I can't get a gap between paragraphs. I still haven't solved that one. Oh well. Most of the time it is at least readable.

For today I have two photos to show you. The first one is the last inside wall of the basket shop is DASsed. Is that a word? I don't think so, but I am using it anyway! So there!
BTW, up under the roof line is the truest coloring of the outside that I have taken a photo of so far. See. It's not white or cream.
The last photo of the day is my final choice of colors for the rug. I got very little done after the blog yesterday. I got sidetracked by cheesy movies on the Sci-Fi channel.

That's about it. See you tomorrow.
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