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Thursday, November 20, 2008

5.7 on the Richter Scale!!!!

OOPS!!!! Never try to put a bookshop on top of a seven foot bookcase without a friend. I am now speaking from personal experience. This morning I decided that I wanted the bookshop up with all of the other shops on top of the bookcase until after Christmas so that I could do some sewing. I use the table that it was setting on for my machine........
I climbed up the step stool with book shop in hand. I got as far as getting it up there and was sliding it back. I let go because I thought that it was balanced on the shelf.....That's when the OOPS happened. It wasn't balanced. A seven foot drop was not good for its health.
I did manage to get it up there on the second go around. It looks pretty good, doesn't it? Come a little closer and look again.....
Now look at that thin white line between the first and second floor. That and the door coming off of it's hinges is all the damage that the fall did to the building itself. The top didn't come all of the way off. I am going to have to glue the two halves back together and re-stone the area. I will also have to reglue the hinges.
Please don't ask to see the inside. Please. The shelves came loose. A couple of tables are now without some feet. And I was picking books out of the carpet for 10 minutes. They were all over the place.
Needless to say, this is going to take some time to repair. It is not going to get done today, or tomorrow, or the next day. I don't have the heart to start over on this right now. I am just glad that it wasn't more damaged. Buttercup held up pretty well and Morgan survived the crash.
For today I am going to go back to the real world and catch up for my lost 24 hours. I will start cleaning house as soon as I finish eating the end piece off of the banana bread that I just made. That will make me feel a lot better.....
See you tomorrow.


Katie said...

Ummm! Banana bread!! That would make me feel a little better too! Well, at least the cats aren't to blame! But, I tell ya, it makes me want to cry, I know how much work you've put into it! I'm sending a big hug your way!!

Caseymini said...

Thanks Katie! I needed that. I would slip a piece of banana bread in a big envelope for you if I thought it would travel well. It's really not as bad as it looks. Remember I have worked on a house that is over 200 years old. This one will be a breeze compaired to that!

April said...

What are you sewing these days? You should have asked Mookie to help.

Minka said...

Ouch! That had to hurt after all the work you put into it!