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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So Close and Yet So Far.......

That's where I am on the bookshop. I had to go to a mini meeting today so that kind of used all of the time that I had to work on Buttercup. I did get a few more rows of roof done.

I mentioned Pat's method of doing the shingles on the tape yesterday. I found that I could do the cutting the shingles in quarters a lot faster that way too. What was I thinking? Why didn't I give in sooner. I can zip right down the center of each row while they are still on the tape. Then I cut each of those pieces in half vertically through said tape. Then all I have to do is peel the dreaded blue tape off of the back and I'm set to go. That part was kind of fun, but I still dislike the tape......Now if I could just come up with a way that the shingles could just float into place on the roof......Oh well.....Back to the drawing board on that one.
As usual on Wednesday, I have a few websites for you to play with. These three are all for building or buying cottages to go in your real garden. I have been wanting to do this for a while. Maybe soon. Even if you don't want to build or buy them for outside there area a lot of interesting ideas on these sites. I know that people have whole model railroads in their back yards here in AZ. I don't know why you couldn't have a whole village of enchanted cottages. Some people are building them of builders foam, covered with spackle. I want to try it. I noticed that the fairy doors seem to be catching on all over the place. I want one! They would be easy to duplicate and faster than building a whole cottage.
This first one has all kinds of cottages and doors.
These are supposed to be for fairies. The Fairy's Garden
The third bunch is really wild. They're built of sticks and stones. Fairy Woodland
I won't lie to you. I am not going back to shingling tonight. I am way later than usual and I am going to finish that second sock tonight. All I have left is the toe.
See you tomorrow.

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