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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Morgan Is Cooked!

I spent the morning at my two favorite antique malls. I ventured out, but didn't gain anything. Not even a scrap of old lace.

I came home and eventually started working on Morgan again. I don't have him all the way done.
I still need to put a little more metallic highlight on him. Then I need to do the trim under the eaves. I think he is looking pretty good so far.
It's hard to hold up a dragon with one hand, change the settings on the camera and take pictures with the other. I need another hand. Mookie, could you come hold up the dragon for me? On second thought......... Never mind.
While Morgan was cooling off after baking I started watching(really just listening to) Heroes and painting the cracks between the rest of the rocks. Half of Heroes was in Japanese. I don't speak the language, so I think that I missed a lot.
After painting the mortar, I can see where I need more rocks. Guess what I will be doing for the rest of the afternoon?
This is going to be a short one. I really don't have much progress to report and I do need to finish this thing.
See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Love your blog! The dragons will look awesome!