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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Ran Out!

I started putting the rest of the books that I have made in the triple shelf for the second floor this morning. This is as far as I got.
I am totally out of books. As you can see, I need about 200 more. I spent the morning gluing spines on them so that they would all be different. Rats! Back to bookmaking. I hope that Buttercup appreciates them!
When I discovered that I was going to have to start building books again, I went to look for the fun foam. Someone hid it. Oh well. I didn't want to make books anyway.
Speaking of running out. Something told me that I should run out to the antique mall instead. So much for the bookmaking.
It's a good thing I listened to my inner six year old and changed course. This is what I found at the mall. There are three pieces of Victorian lace and two half yard pieces of cotton fabric. I paid all of $7.00 for all of it. This is another of those "buy it when you see it because it won't be there the next time" situations. Into my mini stash it all goes. There is enough of the lace to make a couple of beds or a bed and a dressing table. The fabric is 18"x45" each so they will last forever in mini.
Now for the important part of today's entry. If things start getting a bit strange once in a while on the blog, don't worry. I now have a guest columnist to take over if I am off for the day.......
Last night I heard a beep beep beep sound coming from the living room. I was in the bedroom watching TV. I thought nothing of it because my husband had his laptop from work and was in the living room. No, actually he was in the computer room on our computer.
He came into the bedroom quietly and motioned for me to follow him. He whispered "You've gotta see this!". We went out into the living room and this is what was making the noise with the computer!
I immediately sneaked out and got the camera. I knew that Mookie was smart, but who knew that he could type and send!?!
My theory is he has relatives on another planet and is sending an SOS for them to come and rescue him. The theory put forth by my husband is that the computer was warm and that was what was keeping him there. In the middle of summer??? I don't believe that for a minute!
Unfortunately, the flash from the camera turned the screen black so you can't see what he was looking at at the time.
Anyway, I have hired him to guest host for me if I have to take any trips out of town. You will know if he takes over. He doesn't spell very well...
See you tomorrow.


Katie said...

Bah hahahaha!!!! Too funny!


ross said...

I am an Italian girl (ehmmmm..) and I love your blog, I read it everyday! Please tell me how you do the books covers! They are very realistic! Thank you!


Caseymini said...

Ross, the directions are in the tutorial section. The title is Books, Books and More Books. I think that this URL will take you there.


Minka said...

Mookie is priceless!