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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Food For Thought...

Hey! That would be a good name for the bookshop! Today is poly clay day. I have food and drink to show you. Here's a close up of the top of the refreshment table. Cookies, sangria and either coffee or tea in the magic pot to the left. It will be whichever you want at the time of pouring. That is until I find another pot.

The chocolate chip cookies were made with little bits of cooked brown clay chopped up into "chips" and rolled into a tan mixture of uncooked clay. I made them into little balls and then flattened them. Before I put them in the oven I brushed them with some darker tan scraped powder from pastel chalks. The pinwheels were done with beige and brown rolled into thin sheets and then rolled up into pinwheels and cut into slices. The molasses ones were just lumps of a mixture of beige and brown that got a dusting of the same scraped pastel chalk. The chalk has to be put on before baking in order for it to stick to the clay.

The two cakes below will be going on one of the shelves under the counter. I really made them a couple of months ago. Don't tell anybody that I am cheating and not working on the bookshop today. I have a problem. I am probably going to have to go into the plate making business. I got the cakes out and proceeded to try to put them on a plate.....No plates big enough. I guess that I could put them on cardboard rounds like Wilton cake decorating does. People even pay good money for those in real life. The cardboard, I mean.

I will probably just make some white plates out of poly clay.

My friend Katie, of Katie's Clay Corner has been making really cool bowls for her mini scenes. She did some a couple of of days ago that actually have haunted houses in the middle of an orange and black marbled background. You should go look when you leave here. She is listed at the right under "blogs that I read".

When I was digging through the clay chest I found these. They aren't mini, but Katie's bowls gave me an idea. These are key fobs that I made about a year ago. I am thinking that the long square mirror beads could be adapted into vases. The smaller swirl beads would make nice plates and bowls when shaped right. These are already cooked. I will have to start from scratch if I do any of those. Some day soon.........

Meanwhile, you go visit Katie for a bit. I am going back to work now.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Funny your talking about sweets today! I've been thinking about making mini Halloween cookies, and carmel apples, yum! Glad you liked the Haunted House bowls, I think they're neat, too! As for your cakes....try putting them on the circle woodises, I paint them silver, and they work pretty good. I have even put cakes on little tiles of mirror~ makes them look important!

PS.....I have fallen in love with that green pitcher!! I love that color!