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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Still Rockin' !

I couldn't stand it. I needed to paint more of the rocks. I know. I am not supposed to paint until I get all of the rocks on the building. Who makes up these silly rules anyway?
I got out the Ceramcoat and dabbed on the rest of the stones that I put on the bay side of the house yesterday. I am liking the way it looks so far.

I keep forgetting that I need to add glass to the round window at the top of the bay. Oh well. There's still time. Nothing is sealed in stone yet.....Pardon the pun.

You can't tell too much from this photo but the ochre wash that I am putting over the yellow walls makes a lot of difference. There's much more depth to this part than the unwashed sides.

Here you see the front of the shop. I have just started painting the stones there.

The first step is a soupy wash of Hippo Grey Ceramcoat. I do that in all of the grout lines and over the face of some of the stones.

For anyone that might be interested in doing a stone wall, here's a list of the colors that I used.
In no particular order, I used toffee brown, red tile, trail tan, golden brown, chamomile, and wedgwood green. They are all Ceramcoat brand.

Here's a close up of some of the rocks. The colors kind of fade in the photo, but it will give you some idea how they are put on. I don't use just one color on any of the rocks. Real rocks aren't usually just one color.
I am going to have to do something about that tab slot at the bottom. Now that I have the wash on it is pretty noticeable. The building needs a foundation anyway. I guess there should be a line of rocks along the bottom. I had best go tend to that.
Don't tell anyone that I am sneaking off to go to the movies this afternoon. My husband is off for the rest of the week. I find that reality slips in more often when he is around..........
See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Katie said...

The rocks are looking great, Casey!!