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Monday, July 14, 2008

On a Hutch.......

Here we go again. I worked on the hutch more this morning. It is a bit slower with the bandaged hand. It is a lot better today.
First of all, here's a back view so that you can see what is involved in making the hutch taller. The sides are now two inches tall instead of one. I cut a piece of scrap lumber the same size as the bottom of the original piece. This, I glued inside the bottom of the sides and front. Now I have somewhere to glue the base. Yes. I know that I need to peel off the labels. Don't nag. I will before I paint.
Now for the fun part. I put some L shaped molding along the side of the fronts to cover the overlap. I dug around in my scraps and found enough double bead molding to trim the sides and the front of the drawers.

I used some already stained brown scraps for the uprights on either side of the piece. then I added two pieces of wood for the drawers on the front. I outlined those with the same double bead to emphasize the drawers.
Last, I put bun feet on the bottom. They are the little plugs that people use on real furniture to cover screw holes.
The last photo for today is with the primer on the piece. I used Antique White Ceramcoat. Whatever color I put over it will cover it.
As you can see, once the paint goes on, it makes no difference that the wood was not all the same.
So far, so good.
I am not going to make you wait for the paint to dry. I can see some places that I need to do some more sanding too.
Hopefully, when you come back tomorrow It will be finished and have it's hardware. See you then.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I like it! You have so many great ideas, Casey!!! Makes me want to work twice as hard!!