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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Short Wednesday

As usual, Wednesday is a short blog day and today it's late besides. I had the mini meeting here today so I had to clear out the mess in the family room where I was working on the book shop. I did get a bunch of books made. So I can say I did work on it today. Now I have the job of moving everything back to the family room. This is ridiculous. I need to get my workroom mucked out again so that I can do some of my work in there. Everything gets thrown in there when I want to get it out of the way. Not a good thing!

Anyway, you would probably rather look at photos instead of discussing my messy workroom.

Since it is a short day I will show you short minis. Half inch to the foot is probably my least favorite scale to work in. I like One inch scale where you can show lots of detail and Quarter inch to the foot where you can leave the details to the imagination of the viewer. Half inch tends to annoy me. It needs details just like one inch. However, Half inch details are much harder to put in. I think that's why the one half inch scaled dollhouse I have sits half finished.
I do have a couple of things that had to be half inch scale by necessity. This Neman Marcus cheese box is one. Someone gave me the box and it was too small for one inch scale and too big for quarter inch. I loved the box. It had to be a gourmet food shop. It was also my first foray into food in that scale. I am pleased with how it turned out, but not pleased that it took twice as long to make half the size of one inch food.
I made strings of cheese balls to hang. I made tiny ring sausages. There are oranges and apples. There is a roasted chicken. There are rolls and pastries. It took forever to make them. It probably took me about 5 times as long to make the food as it did the rest of the box.
The only other room that I did in half scale is one of the bags. It's the one that is decorated with half timbers and furnished with wicker. I showed you the outside in another episode. Here's the inside. I am very happy with how the wicker turned out.
At least I wasn't silly enough to furnish it for high tea. No food this time. The wicker did however take just as long as one inch scale wicker does. I not only scaled down the size of the chair and settee, I scaled down the size of the thread and wire that it is made of.
The rug that the cat is sitting on is on # 40 silk gauze. The shelf on the back wall was a kit that someone brought back from one of the NAME National conventions. The little trunk by the chair is just made out of 4 pieces of molding and a top and a bottom. If you are good boys and girls today maybe I will write a tutorial on how to make one tomorrow. They are fun to do. I'll bet you can't make just one!
Tune in tomorrow for directions. See you then.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Im still drooling over that wicker....