Did you ever have one of those days when you just wanted to put your feet up and do nothing much of anything?
This is me today. I have officially put my feet up and am relaxing.
I went to Starbuck's for my monthly Mocha Frapuccino(the spell checker wouldn't give me the correct spelling. It asked if I was trying for foreperson or fricasseeing.). I bought a book at Barnes and Noble on Window dressing(curtains). Then I stopped at the antique mall that was having their once a month flea market. I scored 5 more books there for less than nothing. Now I just want to wander through the books. I don't want to do minis.
Since I am doing this, I invite you to do the same. I picked out three of my favorite websites that have many, many, mini links. They are full of printables, projects and other mini information. If you have a laptop you can put your feet up and easily spend the afternoon web surfing. If no laptop, you will have to sit up straight and mind your P's and Q's. I guarantee that you will still spend some worthwhile time browsing through the links on these sites.
http://www.geocities.com/minireality/LinkLadyLinks.html This one has lots of miniature links and has recently been updated.
http://minipitou.free.fr/ This is a French site with links to hundreds of mini pages. There's always babel fish to translate. If you just poke at the different listings on the left side you will find all kinds of stuff. Imprintables is printables if that helps any. A lot of these sites are full of photos that explain everything.
http://picasaweb.google.nl/kicsicsirke I don't know how legal this is here but it is evidently OK in Europe. This site has whole miniature books and magazines for you to read. Great for getting mini ideas.
http://minipitou.free.fr/ This is a French site with links to hundreds of mini pages. There's always babel fish to translate. If you just poke at the different listings on the left side you will find all kinds of stuff. Imprintables is printables if that helps any. A lot of these sites are full of photos that explain everything.
http://picasaweb.google.nl/kicsicsirke I don't know how legal this is here but it is evidently OK in Europe. This site has whole miniature books and magazines for you to read. Great for getting mini ideas.
I am taking the easy way out today. I hope you enjoy the day off as much as I do! Have fun. See you tomorrow.
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