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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Before and After

You saw the before yesterday. Now for the after. It has been a long time since I last laid a brush to this little monster. I had forgotten how difficult it was to paint. That's why it was in the garage.
The colors in the photo aren't quite true. The green is good but the trim is the Chamomile yellow that I am using on the book shop. For some reason it wants to be light green in the photos. I did notice one little piece of trim missing over the right window. I will have to duplicate one of the existing ones. No telling where that one went.
I decided to keep the half timbers brown for some contrast. That really makes the fretwork on the peaks of the roof pop. Unfortunately, those all had to be repainted too. This house is almost impossible to paint without getting one color on the one next to it. So.....I painted green and got it on the half timbers. I painted brown on the half timbers and got it on the green. The same thing happened with the Chamomile yellow and the green.....So on it went. Touch up this. Paint that. Touch up that and paint this.
Anyway, it's done! Hopefully this paint job will last another 10 years.
This is going to be verrrry short today. We are getting ready to go up to Scottsdale for a few days. I will try to keep in touch while we are up there. I will have the new laptop along to play with.
I know I can write on the new laptop, but I am not sure about photos yet. I haven't tried to upload them yet. I guess I should try that before we leave.
If I don't succeed in getting things posted, the worst that can happen is no more posts until Tuesday afternoon. Wish me luck. I hope to see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I love the color scheme on this house. I think you just gave me a color scheme for my Vineyard Cottage since I couldnt think of a single one.