How about a couple of oldies but goodies? This one is one that I did some years back. I asked my husband for a hand held color TV for Christmas one year.

The guy on the couch is a burglar. He has the safe above the fireplace open and there are jewels and money spilling out of his valise sitting on the floor by the Van Gogh. That was covering the safe before he took it down. He is taking a break from the break in. He has cheese and crackers and a glass of the home owner's best wine. He has the current TV Guide in his hand. George the cat sneaked into this one. He is sitting on the white chair waiting for a hand out. Never mind that his owner is getting robbed......
When I first did this room box I had it at a show. I went into the display room and noticed that there were several men gathered around it. I thought "Wow! Men like this one!". Wrong again....They were all watching a football game that was on the mini TV!

I made the building and had it pretty much done on the outside when I got home. My husband took on look at it and said "Can I have that?" It now sits in the living room by his favorite chair. It is a golf shop called"Above Par Golf Shop"
The guy standing on the porch is my husband, dressed in plus fours and an argyle sweater and socks.

The shop is fully stocked with golf sweaters, hats, visors and a rack of golf clubs behind the door. You can't really see them in the photo bur there are chocolate chip cookies and a cup of something not specified on the counter.
These were taken with our old camera. I am going to have to take some new ones with the better camera. Just not today, please?
It's time for the frazzled woman that can't type anymore to take a nap. See you tomorrow. Hopefully I will still be alive and writing.......
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