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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Rugwork... Guess Who's Doing It???

It certainly isn't Zar.  He would have you believe he is working on his... He's not.  I am.

I heard him and Tessie rummaging around in the workroom this morning.

As soon as I discovered them, they both took off.  Zar grabbed his and headed for the bedroom, where he made like he was really into working on his... Please note... The rug is upside down.  The person working on it would have to be where you are.  That is, facing the rug...
I found Tessie in her cottage.  She was sitting in the bedroom wiggling her bare toes in the little red rya I made a while ago. 

She made it look like she was straightening the thread...

Truth be told, she was just making a bigger mess for me to untangle...

But her toes were warm.
Meanwhile, I took the rug that Zar was "working" on and started trying to finish that.

There are probably about 25 rows, if the thread holds out that long...We shall see...

Walter has gone to a U of A game with a friend.  I get to stay home and try to get a few more rows of this done tonight...

Here I go again.  Someone else starts the project and I get to finish it.  One row at a time...

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Virginia isabel said...

Que original la alfombra de mil colores. me gusta.