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Friday, January 13, 2017


I moved things around again today.  I put the needlework chest back on the wall that I had it on before. I like it better there and besides, I had to replace the conservatory with something.

I had to move some of the pictures to make a place for the house on top of the chest...

Therefore, I had to hang them somewhere else.

They went where the chest used to be.
The whole purpose of all of this moving was to get the conservatory into the family room, where the plants would have enough light... Now they do.

I still need to do some work on it, but I can do it in the family room. 

I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon.  Checkup. That takes a big chunk out of the day, so not a lot of mini-ing.

I spent most of the morning trying to find more stuff to take out of the workroom.  I am going to pare down in there.  I need more room and a lot of the stuff that is in there, I haven't used in years or I will never use again... No more storeroom.  I want it so that I can get back in there to work. 

I know I have said that before, but this time I MEAN IT!

I need room to move!

See you tomorrow.


Юлия said...

All change for the better!

tjojones said...

Hope you are well. I noticed you haven't posted in a long while. I love your doll Tessie. Your creations are so original.