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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Little of This and That...

 I went to Goodwill this morning.  I got what I think is a very good Korean painting.  It is framed in a Picasso frame.  Those cost an arm and a leg.  It was framed in Korea... I am assuming that whoever purchased it, purchased it there and had it framed before bringing it to the US.

The painting itself is a brush painting and is stamped with the artist's seal.

This photo doesn't do it justice.  I was having trouble getting a good photo without a reflection.
Since I wanted that where I could see it, I moved a lot of other art around.

Except for the two largest paintings, the rest is all my work. I need to straighten the one on the left.

The bedroom is beginning to look like an art gallery.. Paintings on every wall...

I have decided to make three boxes for some of my favorite people/pets...

Zar gets the large box.  Tessie gets the medium and Spike gets the small one.

I have the backs cut and am ready to start working on them.  They shouldn't take long.

Between the boxes, the socks and the conservatory, I am going to be busy.  I had better get back at it. See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Deni said...

I wish I had my mojo back again after having a couple of viruses its left me with out energy
I got through Christmas that was good didnt put many decorations up, just too lethargic, shame its my most favourite time of year
I am trying I have a Japanese inspried box to make I have the shell ready to make 2 doors and they look hard have tomget my thinking cap on make them the easiest way if I can. You taught me to make a paper pattern firstly so I need to do that soon
Look forward to,what you actually end up puting in these pretty boxes