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Monday, December 26, 2016

The Moning After...

I am sitting around, with my feet up, knitting and crocheting today.

Yesterday wore me out.  In a good way.
I did get some goodies for minis.  These were from April's Mother in Law.  She is a kindred spirit and looks for things that I can use for minis when she is out and about.

I got a book on Miniature plants and Gardens.  A set of napkin rings that will be made into picture frames and a Statue of Liberty with a torch that lights up!
My best present this year was from Seth, April's husband.  He is a ceramicist.  He did me a yarn bowl.  It is beautifully done and works like a charm.  That is if the person using it knows how the yarn should be going.  I finally got it figured out and it is wonderful.

That little swirl that is cut in the side of the bowl holds the yarn and lets it out so that you don't have to keep yanking on the thread. 

Thank You Seth!

Last but not least. I got some beautiful jewelry from Walter too. 

Thanks to all for my gifties, everyone!

Back to being lazy.  See you tomorrow.


elizabeth s said...

I am glad that Santa was good to you Casey, and your custom yarn bowl is a lovely and thoughtful gift, which I see you are already fully appreciating!
Good Job Seth! :D

Meredith said...

YOur day sounds wonderful, the yarn bowl is perfect. Happy holidays,