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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Use It Up...

Walter is out playing golf this morning.  I thought that I would take the time to clean out some of my rocks...

These are some that I have to keep. I already used them.

We won't talk about the ones that I have stashed and ready to use...
Tessie and Zar are helping and they have already saved a LOT from the "get rid of" pile...

Tessie found three of the skulls that I bought for her a couple of years ago.  She never used them so they got put in the stash pile.

They both refuse to get rid of any crystals... Or fossilized shells... or anything pretty and shiny.

I don't think that we are making much progress...
We won't talk about the stuff that I bought last year.  Yes.  I have used quite a bit and some of this is from other places.

I have already made a lot of jewelry from these jars.  They are mostly back up beads.  Not focal beads.

They will all get used... Eventually.

Anyway... We are headed to the gem show at the ball park tomorrow.  No!  I am not staying home.  There might be something there that I don't want to miss!

We only do this once a year.  We both enjoy it.  Even if I don't buy anything at all, it is fun to go look and chat with people of like interests...

So.  I don't need more rocks.  I just WANT more rocks! 

Back to sorting.  I found several things that I forgot I had that definitely need to be made into jewelry.  Even if I don't throw anything on the "get rid of" pile, I will feel that I have accomplished something.  Planning is the fun part of any project!  Back to the piles of rocks.

See you tomorrow... Maybe with something new to show you.  Tessie always sends me with a list of things that she needs wants...

1 comment:

mcddiss said...

seguro que encontraste cosas muy interesantes en la muestra de joyeria y haras grandes cosas con lo que encuentres

