Example... One shelf in the corner bookcase...
It yielded three cubes that will be room boxes. The smallest one is actually the box with a sliding door for coasters. It will be small half inch or large quarter inch... The box in the middle is a collector's case with little cubbies in the lid for things. The one that is already lined is one that I did some cartonnage work on years ago. I am not sure what I meant to keep in it, but it is going to be used for something now. I built up the sides of the inner box so that they hold the tray when it is closed.
Every time I start another shelf, I find more unfinished items...
See that pile of little white boxes in the center of the third shelf? Those are all unopened House of Miniature kits that I found somewhere for cheap. The baskets at the bottom are almost finished...
One of the drawers in the closet holds 7 gift bags to be turned into rooms...
The stuff is at least on the shelves and not on the floor.
As soon as I finish typing, I am going back to conquer the workroom... I am finding way to many unfinished projects in there! I need to finish something! Just one thing would be nice!
There are a couple of room boxes on the top and Zar's unfinished Clockwork Cottage...
You may ask what Tessie is doing to help?
She is propped up on her favorite chair eating pepperoni pizza and slurping a Margarita... I don't think that it's helping! Every once in a while she yells at me to put something on a specific shelf... Not helping at all!!!
Maybe I should poke her with one of the pins from the 1940s Pin Jar... I doubt that it would get her moving... Just a thought.
Back to tidying up.
See you tomorrow.
Hi Casey. You do make good use of space on your bookcases. I hope they are anchored
to a stud, so they don't fall on you if overfilled or in an earthquake! Just saying!
I secure all my tall bookcases and there has only been one earthquake since I have
lived in this area for many years. I don't want to be found under a bookcase!
Now I shall go see where I can make improvements to my many bookcases.
Hello Casey,
Maybe I'll clean up my workspace and see if I find any treasures ;)
Poking Tessie with the pin might not work...but you'll never know if you don't try!
Big hug
What is it with all this spring cleaning? A friend of mine in Michigan is doing spring cleaning in her studio too! I did mine last week! Now I have room for my new collage supplies. Good luck with your cleaning!!! And when I say "Spring Cleaning", it is only the art studio. It's the most important room in the house so it gets the most attention!
Karenann, you will notice that I mentioned nothing about throwing out anything. Maybe it should be called Spring Re Arranging?
I threw somethings out and what I was unsure of, I put away. I did throw some stuff out though, or give them to Goodwill! It's funny because I had some special thread that I haven't used in years. I was sure I must have thrown it out and I needed it. Lucky me! I kept it!!! You never know!
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