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Monday, January 18, 2016

Two Steps Forward...

This is as far as I have gotten on the crocheted bag, so far... Not too bad for two days of work, when I'm not doing something else. 

It's just a good thing that I didn't make it a little bigger.  Kota would be sleeping in it by now...
 I had a Dr. appointment at 11:30, so that kind of put a hole in the middle of the day...

Before I left, I started taking apart the cover for the channel changer in the bedroom..

It has started coming apart at the seams.  And...
 I am just plain wearing it out in places.  See all of the holes in the stitching?  Plastic canvas is bare! 

All of that area was worn down to the point that when I rubbed my fingers across the inside of the tube, the thread just fell out!  The inside was completely worn through in places.

It looks like a new bunch of stitchery is in order.  If I don't do that, I can never find the changer.  It blends into the woodwork, so to speak...

This is the second one that I have worn to the bone.
As for the bottom of the Weaver's Workshop, It is one step back!  The window that I taped up yesterday, fell out...

I guess that I should go attempt to get more done in the woodworking section.

Back to doing what needs to be done. 

See you tomorrow.


Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Such a shame that the windows did not stick...I get so irritated when things like that happen. Have fun making a new remote cover.
Big hug

Lucille said...

Sorry about your window falling out. Such a big job! Very irritating.