I did have to stop when the home health care nurse came in this morning... I am doing great and back at a lot of the stuff I usually do... Unfortunately, some of it isn't minis...
I think that I converted the nurse to the world of minis. We took her around for a tour of a few of the houses and she liked what she saw. I gave her my card with the URL on it and she sounded like she was going to go home and look at the blog. I have one more visit from her tomorrow morning. Then I am free until Monday, when I see both doctors. They seem to think that I am doing really well, so far.
Tessie agreed to work on a basket or two, if I would keep plugging along on the rug...
She looks good sitting there with a basket in her lap. However... I think that was a cover for watching the second of the "Divergent" movies. I was watching whilst working. She was watching whilst faking...
Notice, that is one of those canvas baskets that can only be worked on with a needle and thread... I saw NO signs of needle of thread in the area..
In fact, at one point, I went out to cover plants(freezing tonight). When I came back in, this is what I found.
Those two can catch a cat nap anywhere, anytime.... That was the blanket that I was using to keep my feet warm... To be specific... My feet were right about where Kota's tail is, before I went out to cover the plants...
I am going back now to try to claim my coverlet...They can stay if they give me back my spot under the zebra blanket... If not, there is going to be a bit of a battle over territory! And I intend to win. My feet are cold!
See you tomorrow.
The rug is looking great so far. I added it to my "cool Casey rugs" file for me to try when/if I ever get the current one I'm working on done lol. I'm glad you're feel okay but still take it easy. Rest is the best to mend. Lots of love!
Hi Casey,
So pleased you are home. I laughed when I saw the photo of Kota giving you the riot act eye. My Siamese would give me the silent treatment when I returned from summer sailing. She would deliberately place herself in front of me and then turn her back to me. If I moved she would continue doing the same thing until she felt I had been chastised sufficiently. So wonderful to have an animal in ones life so we can observe and enjoy their individual character.
Thinking of you.
A blanket that matches the cat's fur. Good planning on that one!
Karin, we actually got the cat to match the blanket! Then Kota took over and adopted the blanket as his.
me alegro de que tus medicos esten contentos con tus progresos y de que hayas convertido a las minis a la enfermera,
veo que Kota y Tessie siguen siendo amigos y comparten manta
Casey, me alegro que todo vaya bien. Espero que te recuperes pronto del todo.
Un abrazo.
Glad to hear you are on the mend. Take care!
Hello Casey,
I am glad you're doing well. I hope you got the blanket!
Big hug
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