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Monday, December 14, 2015

Trying Not to Freeze!

It is 12:23 in the afternoon and I am just trying to keep warm!

This is our inside/outside thermometer.   Our furnace thermometer reads 74.6...  I just had Walter turn it up!  We Desert Rats are not used to 42 degrees in the middle of the day!

As soon as I finish writing this, I am going to go crawl under a big pile of covers. Only my hands and nose will be visible.  The hands will be holding a crochet hook and thread and my nose is only out so that I can breath freely...
I forgot to show you this.  I finished the tea caddy.  Now all I have to do is buy some tea.

Not bad for a first try.
Kota has a cold.  He is sneezing a lot.  We are trying to keep him in a warm place.  He hates not being able to look out the window and see the birds.  Sorry Kota. 

This is what I will be crocheting on when I go back to work. It is made from leftovers of sock yarn.  Simply a half granny square, on the diagonal.  I may have to keep this one for myself.  I like the colors...

OK.  I am starting to freeze again... I have to stop typing with numb fingers and go back to crocheting.  I am going to try doing it under the covers... Sure.  That will work.  I don't look at the crochet half of the time anyway.  It's for me.  If there is a hole here and there where there shouldn't be, it won't matter. 

This Desert Rat is going undercover until the storm passes.

See you tomorrow!


azteclady said...

This has been the weirdest December yes, weather-wise, hasn't it?

Here in Central Florida we are having temperatures in the mid-eighties (mid-EIGHTIES!!!) during the third week of December.

I feel you pain, because you are probably getting whatever bit of chill was coming to us. Sorry 'bout that!

Lucille said...

This is so weird! You're too cold and over here, it's the opposite for this time of the year. It's too warm. I am suffering. I want cold and snow! But I can understand that it must be hard for you. Love your tea caddy and I love the colours in your granny square. Hope Kota feels better soon! We always hate to see our little pets under the weather.

Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Keep warm and I hope Kota's cold goes away soon!
Big hug

AM Minnaard said...

Hi Casey, please send some cold my way! ;p Overhere it's to warm for the time of the year... it's winter and the roses are in bloom and I even found some little olives in my olive tree. Hope kota is doing well. Hugs AM