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Monday, October 26, 2015

Trick or Treat!

Since Wednesday is Halloween for the Wednesday Witches, I decided to make up some kits for baskets.  That way all of the little witches can have something to carry their candy in.

I have instructions elsewhere on the blog for these, so all you have to do is go to the basket section to the right.

I make them on the little shaped Woodsies, that you can get at Michael's JoAnne's and other craft stores.

I simply glue strips of Penelope canvas to the edges and cut to size.

The one that you see in the center has been dyed with wood stain.

By running two strands of the six in embroidery floss, You can make different designs and colors.
 They can have handles and can be lined.

They are about the simplest way to make mini baskets and anybody can do it.

I am taking a bunch of unfinished ones with me to WW and we can make them as fancy or as plain as we want.  I will also take along some scraps of fabric to line them with and lace for the inside edges of some of them. 

That is the plan to keep the witches out of trouble... Sometimes it works.  Sometimes it doesn't

Tessie has already laid claim to all of the ones that I bring home. 

Back to work.

See you tomorrow.


mcddiss said...

vaya produccion de cestas, seguro que Tessy no tendra reparos en reclamarlas para ella sola , pero tu se fuerte y no se las des



Lucille said...

Pretty little baskets! Tessie will have fun filling them up!

Fabiola said...

Beautiful baskets!

Sarah Sequins said...

Oh my goodness, those baskets are adorable. No wonder Tessie wants them!