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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Fairies Have Landed....

I was cleaning out the cupboard where I keep my sewing machine this morning.

I found the start of a couple of really neat fairy garden scenes...

Before you get all excited, they aren't David Winters or anything like that.  I got them at Pic'n'Save when it was still called that.

I have been wanting to do some pots like that.  These will be great...
I know that they will last at least a few years.

This is one of them that has been outside for at least three years. A little faded, but still looking pretty good.

I have been seeing signposts for real gardens like this everywhere.  Those are all fictional...

These are mostly real places... Kind of... Sort of....

I simply found a font I liked in my Print Shop Pro program.  I wrote down the names and printed them out.

I used parchment cardstock to print them.  Then I just cut them out at random...

I think that everyone needs one of these.  Fictional or real.

Tessie insisted on "the Moon". I kind of doubt that she will be going there soon... She says that it is just to tell which way is up!

This one has only a couple of fictional names at the bottom.

Tessie would only let me do it if I put the places that she considers important...

Now, she is pestering me to make one for Casey's Workroom...  She says that may as well be fictional... Nobody ever gets in without an OK from me...

Sounds good to me. Anything to keep her out!

Back to work. 

See you tomorrow


Phyllisa said...

Dear Casey. I am just catching up with your blog for the last few days. Your news was surprising, but your optimistic attitude will see you through. You have a lot of love and support behind you wishing you well. As much as we all enjoy your projects and
Tessie's antics, your rest is of most importance. Your followers will not leave you.
Get back to us when you can. Even "Oldies, but Goodies" would delight us.
Love and kisses.

mcddiss said...

esas casitas son preciosas y quedaran muy bien donde las pongas , Tessie siempre ha de dar su veredicto de todo , es muy entrometida , esos letreros han quedado muy reales



Giac said...

Hello Casey,
I love those houses. they are beautifully detailed. Finally! Someone who knows how to get to Hogwarts.
Big hug,

Wendy Luane Barber said...

I love that idea. I will have to remember it. Sending sunshine vibes. Oh wait, you get lots of sunshine. Rainbow vibes... rainbows. :D