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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lost and Found... And Found Again...

Oops! I did it again! 

Walter lost his turquoise bracelet the other day.  We were at Walmart and he missed it when we got half way home...

We both figure that the person that finds it in all probability, won't turn it in. I imagine that the clasp broke and he didn't even feel it.
 Anyway, I decided to replace it this morning...That was over an hour ago.  I have again spent an hour looking for beading needles.  This time, I was looking for the needle case that I started and didn't finish... See!  It pays to finish what you start.

Anyway, to make the long story shorter, I found the other pendant that I was considering for a case and passed it by twice.  I went on looking for the one that I started...  After a long search, in which I found some thread that I didn't know I had and a couple more unused beading mats and LOTS of unused beads... I went back and looked at the rose colored glass case... YUP!  Every needle I have moved into that case.  Evidently that is where they want to live...  I am going to tie a string around it's little neck and hang it on the doorknob of my workroom.  Maybe then I will be able to find a needle when I need it.

Widget was absolutely no help.  He hates beaded collars.  Cowls are his thing.  Hates beadwork of all kinds. Loves soft, fuzzy crochet thread.

He laid next to the bead case all of the time I was tearing my hair out trying to find the needles....

He was snickering all the while.  My theory is, he knew where they were all along, but he didn't want me to do beadwork... crochet is more fun...

I am going to work now and make another one of these bracelets.  At least I find them fun to do.  Even if cats would rather crochet!

See you tomorrow.

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