OK. He's not quite as little as some of my others... and he is growing by leaps and bounds...
April and Amare came over this morning.
He moves faster than the speed of light most of the time, but once in a while I can get him to stop and look at minis.
Typical boy. I show him a crypt.... He plays with the motorcycle outside.
I show him the craft cottage and he goes for the bicycle... As I said, typical...
He did like the hedgehog that he found in the kitchen of the house I am working on... See? He does like animals, as well as vehicles...
He spent a lot of time chatting with Widget... Wise cat. He heads for under the bed whenever he hears little boys in the house.
Amare tried to talk him out, but he wouldn't budge.
He did come out a few minutes after they left... As I said... Smart cat!
April got to see my clean workroom for the first time... She approved and she helped me out by taking some of my discarded books home. It was either that or donate them... Having a librarian for a daughter comes in handy... She can't stand to see a good book go homeless...
Anyway, I did get the Steampunk debris sorted.
I am now back on course.
See you tomorrow.
He is adorable, Casey!
He isn't a miniature to Tessie and Zar! Thanks for a nice morning. Amare fell asleep in the car. Got to get back to looking at my new books ;-)
Oh Casey, Amare is such a little cutie.
All the best
Oh my goodness he IS getting big! And he is just as cute as can be!
No wonder he is your favourite Casey, he looks adorable and a typical boy as you say. Thank you for your recent comment on my blog.
As cute as a button and I have a soft spot for little boys, they are adorable.
Enjoy him
Hello Casey,
I agree, he is the best mini I have seen! No matter how big he gets, I think he'll always be your favorite miniature ;)
Big hug to you both,
What a Cutie Amare is! I love it when little children are introduced to the world of miniatures and learn how to treat them with respect them and thus, enjoy them. My friend who also has very young grandchildren, always lets them play with her doll's house, with her permission and under her supervision. After their visit, she will later find the furniture rearranged but not broken or destroyed. She has taught them to handle her things with care. I Love that you have taught Amare exactly the same things. Good work April and Casey!
Amare has grown so much since the last time I saw him! Who knows, perhaps you'll made a miniaturist out of him yet!
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