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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Difference Between Boys and Girls....

No.  I am not going to give you "The Talk".  Girl elves have pointy ears that stand up straight.  Mostly they are covered by hair and hard to see...I may have to change the color of her hair so that you can see them.

By the way, after she got the hair and clothes, she told me that her name was Ernestine.  She goes by Ernie for short.
Boy elves have ears that stick straight out from the sides of their heads and point east and west on the compass.

Engelbert told me, shortly after Ernestine announced that she liked to be called Ernie for short, that he wants to be called Bert....I can hear the groans and moans from those reading this.....

Yup.  I am introducing you to Bert and Ernie....Sorry about that.  They insisted...

Anyway, I finished dressing Ernie this morning, but not Bert.

I did her clothes with a lot of glue and a little needle and thread for gathering.  

Sorry no pattern.  She is one of a kind and the clothes were cut for her as I went along.  

Next time I decide to do elves, remind me not to do them from no necked kids.  There is no room for layered clothing around the neck.

Her hair is pre curled viscose.  I simply spread out the end and glued it around her face and bypassed her pointy ears.  Then I glued it to the back of her head, leaving about two inches below the glue line.  When it was dry, I simply pulled the excess hair up and made a knot on the top of her head.

The rest of my morning was spent in the back yard.  We had three men come in Friday afternoon and clear out almost everything from the back yard and trim the big mesquite tree out front.  Walter spent a lot of yesterday out there cleaning up after the clearing....I spent this morning doing more of the same and replanting a few plants that I dug out and saved.

It's kind of nice starting from scratch.  We did save a lot, but we had them dig out plants that we no longer wanted and weeds that were taking over the world as we know it. 

Now I am going to go crash and burn for the rest of the day.

See you tomorrow. 


Lucille said...

Ernestine is such a lovely old-fashioned name. Oh, well, Ernie it has to be then! I love how you fixed up her hair and her new wardrobe looks really pretty on her. She has an interesting and cute face! I'm wondering now how her and Tessie will deal together!!

Caseymini said...

That's easy Lucille. They are Christmas Elves. They will go back to the North Pole right after Christmas. They would rather not have the irritation of Tessie for the rest of the year!

Deni said...

Oh they are so cute!!!
sweet little things!!!
mmm just a thought, will have to see if they get up to naughty things I guess sooner or later lol

mcddiss said...

veo que la familia ha aumentado, se ven muy bien y creo que tienen cara de traviesos los dos , yo los vigilaria de cerca



Giac said...

Hello Casey,
Terrific work, once again! they are both lovely. I think the names suit them very well!
Keep them away from Tessie, who knows what she'll teach them!
Big hug,