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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tessie's Little Helper.....

This morning I decided to get back to work on the Weaver's Workshop/Furniture Workshop.

I drew up plans for an open cupboard for Zar to use in the woodworking shop, downstairs.

By the way, if you look closely, you will see that I left out the over all height measurement.  It is 6 1/2" tall.  You can also count squares.  Each is a quarter inch.

You can easily cut this out of a 3/32" slab of lumber and have lots left over.

I butted all of the pieces against one another.  That way there is not much waste in the wood.

Of course, Tessie's favorite assistant wanted in on the project.  He adamantly refused to get off of the graph paper, until we said he could stay and watch.

He is now helping me type this.  I don't think that he is so interested in minis, as he is in the fact that lunch will happen soon...

After I cut all of the pieces from cherry wood, Zar and Tessie took over and pushed and pulled the pieces into some semblance of order.

That was the dry fitting.  I did need to do a bit of sanding here and there.

I helped with the gluing and clamping.  There were so many things to hold together at once that we had to resort to extra clamps.
I don't plan to put any finish, other than lemon oil on this one.  After all, this is a piece for a workshop...Or another workshop.

Right now they are fighting over who will get the piece.  Tessie wants it to put unspecified "stuff" in for the weaving studio.  Zar wants it for unspecified other "stuff" in the woodworking shop...

This could go on for hours.  I am not getting in the middle.  Neither is Widget.  We are both tiptoeing away quietly...We are going to fight over what is for lunch instead.

He wants lobster, I want a Rubin from Arby's.

I am bigger than he is!  I win!  Rubin it is, as soon as Walter gets home with it.

Hopefully the argument in the other room, that is getting louder by the minute, won't come to blows.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

mcddiss said...

que bonito se ve ese mueble cuando este encolado y listo , seguro que esos dos se acabaran poniendo de acuerdo

