Walter left for the Match Play golf tournament a couple of hours ago. He gets to follow Tiger around, among others... A friend gave him some passes and he is going to have a wonderful day.
That keeps him busy whilst I work on the radio. As soon as he left, I started again.
I took everything out of the case and Tessie climbed in. She still wants spy holes in Zar's wall.....Zar's wall makes it Zar's choice. No spy holes.
I am still mocking up walls and figuring out angles and curves. This is, to say the least, a fiddly and somewhat difficult job.
Luckily, yesterday at Wednesday Witches. My friend Sue brought a sack of gator board, foam core and mat board that she no longer wanted. Nobody else wanted it either, so I got it all!
I just ran out of illustration board and didn't know what I was going to use to do the ceiling and a few other structures for the inside of the radio....The sack fixed everything.
Sue also gave me parts of a pair of brown leather gloves that I think will work for the upholstery on a wing chair for the room. Thanks, Sue!!!
This is how the Terrible Two get things done when they can't find the ladder. I put it back in the Russian Cottage, where it belongs. They didn't even bother to try getting to it. It is still on the top of one of the bookcases in the workroom. Heaven forbid that Tessie would remember that she could zap it down if need be....So standing on shoulders is the norm. Thank goodness, no accurate measurements are required.
I plan to extend the fireplace to the ceiling...Only logical...The smoke has to go somewhere. The mock up will also serve as a brace inside the fireplace for the extension. I will cover the seam between the two pieces with molding. Now that I have the white board above, I kind of like the contrast. I am debating doing a plaster wall above the molding....We shall see.
At the same time, I stained the inside of the case the same color as the other wood. It came out pretty close to the same color.
A lot of it will be covered after I put in the curtains, etc. I am not too worried about a couple of places that didn't take the stain the same way.
That's as far as I have gone this morning.
I need to think on the Blog Birthday drawing for a couple of days. I have to dig up a prize or two....It has to be fitting for the celebration of 1,628 or 1,629 or possibly 1,630 posts... It will probably take me until Monday to decide. Let's see....With any luck, that will be post number 1,632.
I am going to go celebrate for the rest of the day, today...How? By doing minis of course!
Don't forget to vote!
See you tomorrow.
Fantastic scenes.
Happy blog birthday!!
Bye Faby
¡Feliz cumple-blog! Me encantan tus magníficas escenas ! Un beso
Happy Blog Birthday, dear Casey! Hope you have a wonderful day! The inside of the radio is looking good. I see the dear little people are trying to help once again! What would you ever do without them?
I voted, good luck
Marisa :)
Happy blogversary!! have a lot of fun.
Hugs, Rosanna
I wont tell my W about yours, he would be deadly jealous :o)
Thanks for the vote Marisa. I think that this is going to be a close race and I need all the votes I can get this year!
Happy Blogiversary, Casey! I sure am glad you started blogging 4 years ago. I love reading your posts and watching the adventures of Tessie and Zar.
Happy Blogging Birthday!
mUCHAS FELICIDEDES POR TU CUMPLEBLOG ¡¡¡ Yo te deseo toda la suerte del mundo en el sorteo, ya he ido a votar y ha sido todo un placer ver tus preciosas creaciones durante todo este tiempo.......Un saludo, Angeles.
Happy blog birthday:)and thank you for anouncing me in the sidebar...I hope I can keep my promisse to post more often:)
Happy Anniversary to your blog!
You always have my vote. These photos help me see how small this space really I'll stop nagging about a sleeping space. It would have to be up in the ceiling like a loft. But really, I love this radio space. It's so noble and cozy all at the same time.
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