I heard a ruckus about 4:30 AM. The banging of pots and pans....Zar invited Tessie back for a breakfast of left over Bat Wing Stew. Not to my taste, but it is his favorite and since Tessie took the leftovers with her, the only way for him to have more, was to invite her over.(Poke the photo for a better view.)
The trailer is surprisingly orderly for the short time that they have had to clean since the party.
After breakfast. Zar took Tessie out to see the finishing touches on the shower tower. It now has a lighted shower head. That's thanks to one of those LED battery powered fixtures.....I fear that there will be another failed building inspection soon....Electric lights and water coming out of the same fixture??? I wonder who they will send this time? I think that the last guy is probably still running and somewhere in Texas by now.
I caught a photo of Zar, just as he was unpacking the last of his belongings. I do believe that he is content now. All he ever wanted was a place of his own....Away from the world.
Actually, you can't see it, but Tessie is still sitting in the chair right behind him. She's slurping a second bowl of stew.
He's away from the hustle and bustle, but somehow, I don't think that he has solved the Tessie problem...
As soon as I finished the trailer, Tessie insisted, "You have to do something about my unfinished townhouse. It's not livable! You finished Zar's place. Now you need to finish mine. Go look! It's a mess!!!" She got more excited and more shrill as she went on.
So.....I went and took a look just to shut her up...
Sadly, she is right. I need to finish it. It is hanging over my head. But so are several other unfinished projects.
I am now off to find my inner six year old. Maybe I will do a bit on a couple of different ones until I decide which to finish next. Twenty minutes as an attention span is rough. I will never know how I managed to finish the trailer....
OK. I am off to clean up the townhouse and see what's what. The roof garden and the top floor are finished....Only two more floors to go....Hmmm....The Russian cottage is closer to being finished. I wonder if Tessie will notice if I sneak that in first.....
See you tomorrow.
The "Russian Cottage" sounds totally intriguing, Casey, but I do feel for Tessie, as her "Townhouse" doesn't exactly begin to hold a candle to Zar's brand new designer home. Is it any wonder why she is envious? I'd be just as hard pressed as you are with the decision looming before you. Are you up to all of the whining and complaining that Tessie is capable of if you don't cater to her whims and wishes first? Perhaps you could entice, or cajole her by inviting her stay at the Russian Cottage as a "guest" until her townhouse is ready. Of course, you run the risk of her taking over and then where would you be? In another power-struggle of a mess with her? Ghastly. Tessie's "attitude" has a way of interfering. I don't envy you, but I do look forward to your continuing adventures. : )
Hi Casey. I think you should finish Tessie's Townhouse for the very good
reason that you will most likely give me some new ideas for my
unfinished houses.LOL
And also, I'd love to see it finished!
I think you could maybe fake Tessie out by finishing a room i the townhouse and then move onto the dascha whilst she's distracted. Or let her pick something out for the room that needs to ordered and then "wait on parts" or somesuch. ;-)
I think the trailer looks great! But who will live there once the Clockwork Cottage is finished? Maybe it will be Zar's weekend getaway?
Kat, the Clockwork Caravan was always meant to be a getaway place. He may have to stick it out for a while though, now that it's finished. He at least has a place to live.
As for Tessie, I don't know if you remember, but when I was working on it before, she slept in the Russian dascha quite a bit. One of the things that I finished early on was the roll away bed.
For a while, I am going to jump around....The trailer has been a LONG haul. Pardon the pun.LOL
Your trailer is wonderful. Zar is very lucky! I don't know what to do about tessie though...
"Long haul!" LOL A wonderful adventure for me to watch! Congratulations on the completion of a wonderful project! I could have never imagined the trailer turning out like THIS! Outstanding!
Yaaaaayyyyy!!! Finally Zar has a place of his own!! Casey, I can't wait to see what's next on the to do list. Watching Zar's place come to be has been such a fun experience. =)
Congratuations! I'm wondering if you inner child is aging. You stuck with this from start to finish....no major tangents taken! Looks great!
Bless him, Zar finally has his man-cave, complete with bed, refridgerator and sofa. And yes, Tessie is right, her townhouse does need finishing. Since I'm a procrastinator myself, I have a house also that needs finishing. Guess it's time for me to gear up and get 'er done.
I am not sure that it wouldn't be wiser to go clean the work room thoroughly, before starting to work on anything again....It is completely trashed.
I can get the door open and jump over several piles to get to things...That's about it.
Casey, if I am Zar, I will live in that trailer and use the other houses as my getaway.
Casey, this project is the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. I just want to cry when I look at it. That little pavilion on top is just so adorable. The colour blue that you have used throughout is so striking. It catches the eye. As for your next project, why don't you just follow your inspiration. I find it's always the best thing to do where creativity is concerned. Don't force yourself to work on something if your heart is not completely with it. If you feel like cleaning, then just clean. We're not going anywhere, Casey. We'll wait for you. LOL!
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