I do have to cover the styrofoam with something. It squeaks when I slide it on the table...Nails on a blackboard come to mind...
I finished the first Kumihimo cord after writing yesterday and it was plain to see that the little loom that I made wasn't going to stand up long.
It was about done for when I finished the first rope.
This morning I made two more looms. I had one of those "aha" moments in the middle of the night last night and this morning I went looking for flip flops at Walmart. I found a pair of gigantic, men's black flip-flops on sale for 1.98.
I stopped next at K Mart and found a couple of solid cork hot pads. Another brainstorm. I am on a roll this morning!
I took a pair of utility shears to the flip flops and cut the widest part into a circle. I pulled out the thong that goes between the toes and cut it off from the bottom. I shaped the piece into a circle. Then I poked a hole and cut a one inch circle out of the center. I marked of 32 evenly spaced places around the outer edge and slashed them with the scissors. Then I got fancy. The commercial looms have a v shape cut where the slits are. If they can do it, so can I.
For the cork one, I simply poked a hole in the center and sanded it, cut slashes on the edge and glued four dowels between the two cork rounds. Oh! I did reinforce the legs with small brads too.
Needless to say, I trashed the first loom. Tessie and I have had several discussions about the 25 pennies that I am using to weight down the cord in the larger loom. She wants to spend it....
I have two cords for pendants finished and a third one started. This is great for when I have to wait for glue to dry. Much more fun than housework!
Another "aha" moment last night. I have decided that this lady is going to live in the radio. I have had her for several years. She came assembled and for some reason the person that did it made her close to six feet tall(in mini).
She really looked strange with other mini people. I think, since the radio is a 20s style re pro, she may just have to let her hair grow out to the natural gray and be an older woman living in the past. She has the "pouter pigeon" bust line of an earlier era.
Don't worry. I am not stopping work on Zar's place for her. I just thought that you might like a look at what's happening.
I have to go back and take the pennyweight bag away from Tessie once more. Maybe I should just give her the pennies and go collect some rocks from the back yard to weight it down instead.
See you tomorrow. Back to minis, I promise!
1 comment:
Do you really have to age that beautiful doll, Casey. Could she not be a time traveler?
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