I was doing fine until I got to the cash register....Then I ended up adopting two puppies...How could I resist? At 99 cents each, I had to get one for both Tessie and Zar.
Zar has already dubbed his Spike Junior...Just Junior for short. Tessie just keeps calling hers the cute, fuzzy little thing...Fuzzy for short. I thought that new pets might keep them out of my hair while I worked on the new Tudor Steampunk project.
I am making progress! Zar has decided that he isn't going to do much traveling in this trailer for the time being. For now, he is going to set it on a stone foundation and make it a Half Timbered Steampunk. Usually Steampunk is thought of as Victorian, but since the Victorians loved their Tudor Revival style, why not Tudor Steampunk?
He can always move it off of the foundation later if he decides to take a trip.
If you poke the photo, you may be able to see faint lines of where the half timbers are going.
I have the outer shell finished, except for the roof. It seems, even though the directions don't mention it, that the roof is supposed to be open. I guess that is so that you can view the inside better....Zar refuses to live in a "topless trailer", as he puts it. In fact, he has already mentioned a small roof garden in passing.....Does he really expect me to do that too, in just a week?
The trailer seems quite roomy inside....If you don't include a bathroom....Another problem to solve.
I did fill in the cut out portion of the front end, where Tessie and Zar are sitting and relaxing, while I do all of the hard labor.
Tessie lent him a couple of chairs. I am sure that this was only because she didn't want to stand up and watch.
I found one of my bed bases and it fits nicely in the other end. I am planning to put a bookcase at the head of the bed, against the far wall.
I found an extra kitchen table that will work. I drew up plans for the kitchen and marked the wood for cutting last night.
Tessie keeps pacing up and down the edge of the boards and taunting me with...."So many pieces. So little time....Do you really think that you can do it in a week?"
I keep debating...Should I work on the trailer or lock Tessie in a box somewhere far away? So far, the box idea is winning....
See you tomorrow. Hopefully, with a finished kitchen or some half timber done. It's a coin toss....
Adorei teu relato das novidades. O tempo é realmente curto... acredito que você vai conseguir, inclusive o jardim para deixar Zar feliz. Parece que os cachorrinhos atendenram ao propósito de distrair Tessie e Zar...
How nice of you to buy them dogs. Hope Tessie has time to look after hers, she spend a lot of time looking after what you are doing :).
Cool door on the trailer!
I guess you could always do a seating arrangement that allows for a lift-up lid to a toilet? If it's a new composting toilet, it shouldn't smell (much). You can always make do with a chamber pot, and he can carry his 'liquid gold and other 'stuff' to an exterior loo somewhere, LOL. But hey,Zar lives in a magical world..can't he just have Tessie zap it, or create a wastless toilet that empties by itself?
Merri, problem solved. Zar and Tessie both have finished bathrooms in their other houses. If need be, Zar can go to one of those.LOL
It's a Tudor Steampunk Travel Trailer...let them go to the privy!! Tessie and Zar always give me a chuckle..
This is going to be an awesome project, can't wait to see progress. I hope you arent the one having to clean up after the two new puppies?
No, Susan. I absolutely do not clean up after their pets. I have enough with my two cats!LOL
im so excited to see you getting your caravan made this is going to be facinating!!!! looking forward to seeing it come together
GO GIRL!!!!!
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