That got me thinking. When I was working on a backup of the blog entries yesterday, I went back to the very first entry and worked my way forward. Remember the Nine Dollar Dollhouse that I started the blog with? It has been almost finished for three and a half years....And a couple of years before that. Poor Cordelia! She is worse off that Zar.
Well....As of this morning, she no longer has to spend all of her time over at Eskiaga's place. It's time for a housewarming party. No sooner said than done.
The house is officially finished, all but a couple of little things that I will finish today.
I wondered why I was doing all of those Chrysnbon kits. This was why. I used the cabinet and the dry sink in the kitchen area. I already had the rest of the bottom floor finished.
I glued in the spiral staircase and hung a couple of pictures and I was done. Let's get this party started!
By the way....See Zar standing by the staircase? He has been carrying around his "Clockwork Cottage Journal" and being very obvious about showing the title. I think that he was looking over my shoulder when I was reading the mail this morning....Oops!
When I glued the staircase in place, I realized that I had lost some of the railing posts from the upstairs. I never was really satisfied with the landing.
This morning I dug out some Penelope canvas and came up with a different solution. I used the edge of the canvas as a channel for some wire that would hold the shape that I wanted. Then I cut off another piece and did a free form curved upper edge. I haven't decided if I want to paint it white to match the woodwork or leave it natural to match the other canvas in the room. Thus, I still haven't glued it in place permanently. Now, at least nobody will fall through the staircase to the living room. That's one unfinished item.
The only other thing that I still have to fix is the upper right corner in the bedroom wall. Whoever put the house together in the first place left a hole and glued the roof on a bit askew. It needs to be sanded and the molding re glued.
You have already seen the sewing loft several times, so I won't bother with a close up of that.
Anyway, I can now check the Nine Dollar Dollhouse off of the list of things to do.
Come on over! The party is in full swing! Thanks for the push Catherine.
See you tomorrow.
I love the staircase!!!
I was going to ask if you made the protective piece around the top of the spiral staircase, only to find you'd mentioned it in your post! :o)
I have a metal spiral staircase, made from a kit, and I too hate the top, not realistic at all. The downside is that I don't have too much room to do what you have, but I do plan on making another kit for a shop, so will consider something like yours then!
Did you make/design your own staircase as its not a wooden one I've seen before, far better than my wooden one on Hogwarts!
Michelle x
Hi Casey. Your post today reminded me that I have two cottages that are unfinished that I need to get back to. I recall running into snags,
which is why I quit working on them, so you may be hearing from me for help.
Michelle, go back to the beginning...I told how I did it on I think that is about the third or fourth entry in the whole blog.
The house and staircase are lovely :) Love the elephant too !
It feels good to complete projects, doesn't it! Here'a a high five to you! :-)
So Zar's going to get some time in the Spotlight? EXCELLENT! I too must confess I think he's feeling a bit neglected. After all, it's usually the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, so to speak..and Tessie can squeak VERY LOUDLY.
Zar is such a gentleman that he wouldn't dream of trying to upstage Tessie, (although I suspect that Fear does play a role here, too..)..but fact is, he needs a well done place to hang his hat..How could the man even get a date if he doesn't have a place where he can bring a woman to look at his um..'etchings'?
So here's my vote for helping Zar for a bit, so he can hold his head up high, (without ducking). Presented in the right way, I think Tessie might even help..for a while.
LOL. Don't bet on Zar winning any time soon....His house is still seven feet up in the air...Top of bookcase. I would have to move Tessie's townhouse in order to make room for it right now.That's not going to happen. Instead, I am going to clean out the workroom and see if I can make a space for it lower down.
Love those stairs, Casey, and especially how you finished them. That's so unique! I've never seen that anywhere.
Hooray! You finished it!
Wow, I love this Nine dollar house, its beutiful!
The bedroom is my favorite, the wardrobe /cabinet and the bed is lovely! I beleive Zar is satisfied!!
Thats a lovely house Casey so glad you got to finish it
Just love the staircase I have always had a fetish for spiral staircases I wanted on in my real house.. didnt come to have it though.... shame!
Your blog is amazing! I can't wait until I have more time to spend here.
- Michele
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