Since their miniature site was one of the very first places I bookmarked when I started with the computer, I was honored.
The voting started last night at midnight. Each reader can vote once a day until March 8, 2011. The winner will be announced on March 15, 2011.
When I told Tessie, she was so excited that she fell off of the desk whilst jumping up and down. When she climbed back up where she belonged, She immediately started rehearsing an acceptance speech, a la Sally Field. "You like me....You really like me!" And then, "I would like to thank the academy...."
About then, I clamped my hand over her mouth, to get a word in edgewise. "No Tessie! We didn't win. We are nominated. Now we have to wait and see what happens."
I am up against some other blogs that are really good. It was as cool just to be one of the five...Of course I do want to win. I won't lie. Please go look at the entries on Lesley's blog and then vote for the one you like best....
I just looked over and Tessie has started a write in campaign. Yup. You guessed it.
She finished the sign and has been marching up and down the desk with it.
I should warn you...Tessie is watching you.....Please go vote for the blog of your choice. I promise not to tell her who you vote for.
I can't seem to get the above badge to work as a connection to the voting site. So this is the actual site that has all of the nominees and the place to vote. http://miniatures.about.com/od/miniaturescommunity/ss/Best-Miniature-Blogs-2011-Readers-Choice-Awards.htm
I will be on pins and needles until March 15th.
To anybody that hasn't been here before, "Welcome!" and feel free to wander around as long as you like. There are lots of things to see and do. That really goes for the regulars too. I enjoy your company. See you tomorrow.
Concratulation on being nominated, i did see it before I read your blog and I voted and will do it every other day, becayse I look forward to read your blog every day. The
Casey, I saw this, this morning and went over and looked and couldn't believe you and Tessie were on there. I've posted it in all the mini sites I'm in in face book today.. I've voted and I think we can vote once a day..
Good Luck Casey & Tessie..xxxx
Congratulations and good luck! You have a wealth of information here on your blog and such great ideas! You're a wealth of inspiration and you deserve the praise! :D
Good luck Casey and Tessie. I knew about this because I get Leslie's newsletter every Friday. I've cast my vote and will vote every day. I was so happy to see that you were nominated. I always look forward to your blog every day. Love you guys! Dear Zar must be so excited about all this! He's probably in his lab working out his excitement while Tessie is walking the beat with her voting sign.
I read your blog every day and thoroughly enjoy it! Tessie's exploits are so much fun to follow! Needless to say, I voted for your blog...good luck!
Congratulations Casey!!! I agree with Brae. Your blog is full of so much knowledge, inspiration and originality. The nomination is well deserved and we would not be surprised if you won! =) Good luck!
If there is someone on the blogs who earns it it is YOU!
I voted for you!
I've been reading your blog for a while now. I'm pretty new to the hobby still working on my first house. I always love to come and see what you are working on.
Good luck on the contest! I hope you win!
I just wanted to say "Thank you!" for sharing your projects with us. It helps us newbies when we are going "Now, how exactly is that suppose to work?"
Congratulations! When I checked you had 38% of the vote and are in the lead! Of course, you KNOW who I voted for! YOU!
Congratulations! You were at 32% when I voted.I read your blog each
day and love your originality,
imagination,humor and especially
Tessie.What a fun life she has! I have read ALL your blogs at least
twice and tried some of the tutorials.I wish I had more time to
try more. Best of luck to you...
and Tessie!
Congratulations on the nomination! You definitely deserve it. I know there are several readers that share in the same early morning ritual as myself: coffee, snack and the Tales of Tessie. You two always set my day on the right track.
Good luck!
I voted for you Tessie!!! LOL! I hope you win, I'm sure it's not easy keeping Casey in line and blogging everyday but somehow you manage. Good Luck!! ;-)
Oooo, yes, I'm voting for you! Well done for being in the finalists - I'm not surprised as your blog is one of the most enjoyable!! :D
Good luck!!
Of course you were nominated. Who else is here every day, so willing to help anyone who asks, contributing to so much to the mini community! I too already knew because I get the regular about.com emails too. So was way ahead of you! I'll try to get on each day to give you a vote! Good luck! Carolyn
I love youre blog, but I must admit you have some hefty competition! All the blogs nominated are wonderful. I voted for you though! :~)
WOOT! I'll vote for you as often as I'm allowed! Congratulations on the nomination, Casey!
Tell Tessie no picketing for votes within 100 yards of the voting platform, please. We don't want her to get you in trouble!
You get my vote! You share more miniatures info on your blog than anyone; you have a great balance of just the right amount of writing and photos; you use tags; and I love your playful sassy attitude. I love visiting your blog every day! Congrats on your nomination!
Ganarás! hasta ahora vas ganando y por mucho!
Un abrazo
Congratulations! You deserve it like the other blogs.
I love Tessie, she makes me think of a suffragette.
Congratulations for the nomination and good luck! And greetings to Tessie ;)
Thanks to everyone for the votes. Tessie has now worn a rut in the desk with her marching!Please keep voting. We have a ways to go! Mini hugs to you all!
Casey, I just understood what its about and voted. I'll do so daily.
Good luck!
Congradulations Lady! You are one of the very few blogs I read everyday and I would like to let any new readers know that I have Learned many things from her and Enjoyed myself while doing it. I'm going to vote now - it is my Tessie Duty.
Lady Lavandar
Congratulations Casey (and Tessie. Your blog is one I have been following for a long time and I have learned so much from you. I could not believe it when I found out that I also was nominated and believe me it is an honour to be included in a group with you. To be considered for this award in the first place is a great gift for me. Best of Luck to you.
Thanks for the comment, Doreen. Good luck to you also.
Congratulations Casey & Tessie, very well deserved! Your blog was one of the first I followed when I started blogging and I love it! Good luck!!
Congrats on being nominated. You blog is a lot of fun. I am off to vote.
Dear Casey,
Congratulations on your nomiation!!
I sure did vote for you, just right now.
You have the most votes! :)
I've been away for a few days and I really missed a lot of your blog posts, but I've been catching up and have read all of the last posts. ;)
Warm hugs, Jollie
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